The Smelly Sign That You Need To Leave A Fast Food Restaurant Immediately

When dining at a new restaurant, do you immediately assess your surroundings? We can't blame you. It's only natural to ensure you're eating in a clean environment — and this is especially true of fast food joints. Mass-produced food and a high customer turnover can lead to serious health concerns without the right protocols. It's in your best interest to look for red flags at burger joints and other fast-food chains. Luckily, some of these warning signs are obvious. If you sit down at a fast-food joint and notice the table smells like dirty dish rags, it's time to leave.

Chances are, you're familiar with the smell. It's what happens when a dish rag is used far too many times. As it picks up food particles and accumulates bacteria, it takes on a musty or sour odor. Moisture exacerbates the issue, so if those dish rags are damp, you can expect that smell to be even stronger.

Eating at a table that smells bad is unpleasant. However, our concerns go beyond olfactory issues. A musty odor is a tell-tale sign that the restaurant is not using a clean rag to wipe down tables, chairs — or worse — cooking surfaces. And ultimately, a dirty rag is one of many signs you're in a dirty restaurant.

A dirty rag equals a dirty restaurant

Restaurants must maintain certain standards to ensure a clean environment. Dish rags should be cleaned regularly in hot water and disinfectant, and different colored towels should be used for wiping versus drying. It's also necessary to replace rags when they've become tattered and frayed. If these precautions aren't taken, staff walk around "cleaning" with a dirty rag.

Dirty dish rags can remove crumbs and other food particles from tables. But although the mess is gone, bacteria and other pathogens remain. Not all bacteria are harmful, but many can lead to health issues. USA Today reports that two of the most common bacteria seen on dish rags are E. coli and S. aureus. 

E. coli is a well-known cause of food poisoning, and S. aureus is what causes staph infections, which can affect your skin, soft tissue, and bloodstream. Making matters worse, dirty rags can actually spread these harmful pathogens from one surface to another. As your hands graze the table or you pick up a napkin to wipe your mouth, the pathogens can enter your system.

So, how can you tell a restaurant is cleaning tables with a dirty rag? If you don't catch them in the act, you won't be able to tell from sight alone. Tables and chairs and even the rag itself may look clean, but if you pick up on that musty, sour smell, bacteria are likely lingering in other corners of the restaurant. If you've ever gotten food poisoning from a fast food restaurant, you know a repeat experience is best avoided. So, instead of settling in for a risky meal, pack up shop and head somewhere safer.