Did Kraft's Limited Edition Pink Mac And Cheese Taste Different Than The Original?

Let's be honest: There was a lot going on back in 2021. Thinking back to that time probably brings back a lot of memories, and the news cycle was always racing to keep up. But in the midst of all that, a very important event may have slipped your attention, fading into the myriad of micro-trends (Stanley tumblers, whipped coffee) that only briefly graced your Twitter feed. But don't worry — we're here today to take you back in time to February 2021, when Kraft released 1,000 packets of bright pink, candy-flavored (yes, you heard that right) mac and cheese for a randomly drawn, limited edition Valentine's Day raffle extravaganza. And no, you can't buy it. But you can certainly live vicariously through us as we live vicariously through the lucky few who tasted this cursed, whimsical, wonderfully artificial creation.

The boxes were mailed to 1,000 lucky winners who had entered a contest on the Kraft website, packaged in containers made to look like candy hearts with punny text printed on top ranging from "Bowl Mate" to "Wanna Canoodle?" A Kraft-Heinz spokesperson confirmed that the bright pink coloring — which recipients said really was as vibrant as advertised — was made from beetroot and carrot concentrates. And it wasn't just different in color: Although the classic yellow cheese packet was included with the mix, the separate pink packet was flavored with fructose and other natural flavors in an attempt to create a candy-flavored, sweet and savory experience. So no — it absolutely did not taste like the original.

What do cheese and candy taste like together?

Do cheese and candy taste good together? It sounds a little bit like an experiment a five-year-old would be keen to participate in, but nevertheless, it's the question Kraft posed. The mac and cheese was made to be prepared normally, with the whole boiling water, draining, adding milk, butter, and cheese, and stirring docket of tasks. But once that was done, the candy packet was stirred in to transform the orange color and shock the taste buds. And some people said... it was kinda good.

Business Insider tasted the productand described it as "a real journey of the senses." The candy flavoring added a slight maple syrupy flavor, but it wasn't strong enough to be either off-putting or all that exciting, the article noted. CNET noted that despite its questionably artificial scent, which was reminiscent of Red Vines, there was a part of the taste-testing journalist that experienced a "culinary Stockholm syndrome" from the product. As such, they were slowly drawn into believing in its potential as they ate, and couldn't quite decide how they felt about the "berry-like" flavor. As one person on Reddit put it during a pre-release online discussion of the product, "I would still eat it for the novelty! But it does look like an abomination."

So there you have it — your curiosity abated. Although the pink mac and cheese is now a thing of the past, Kraft's original flavor is still as beloved as ever. And if you're now craving a creative twist on the classic, try experimenting with different ways to make boxed mac and cheese taste even better.