14 Things Jersey Mikes Employees Wish You Would Stop Doing

There are a lot of good things about working at Jersey Mike's. Aside from all of the delicious food you get to try and the free sub you get each shift, you also get to be part of a buzzy atmosphere and deal with (mostly) friendly customers who are just after a satisfying meal. However, no job is perfect, and one of the true facts about Jersey Mike's is that there are a few things that irk the employees to no end. Unfortunately, it's usually you, dear customer, that irks them the most, with a few things that you probably don't realize you're doing.

One of the key downsides to working at Jersey Mike's is that each sub is made to order, and this opens up a world of possibilities to annoy your server. From mishearing what they're asking you, to asking for irritating sub orders that take forever for them to make in the middle of a busy period, there are loads of ways that you can cause unintentional anger to the person who you're trusting to deliver your sandwich. There are also some things that are basic common sense, like mastering the process for picking up your online order to just not being plain rude, which can make their experience and yours better overall. Want to be a good customer? Here are the things you really shouldn't be doing at Jersey Mike's, directly from the mouths of the employees themselves.

1. Assuming they're asking if you want your sub microwaved

Next time you're ordering your Jersey Mike's sub, make sure to tune in to what your server is actually saying. At some point in the transaction, the person making your sub will ask you if you want it "Mike's Way." If you say yes, your Jersey Mike's sub will be made in a specific way, getting a set of salad toppings and being doused in red wine vinegar and olive oil, along with a spice blend.

However, all too often people say no to this question — and it's because they think that their server is asking them if they want something completely different. According to servers who work at Jersey Mike's, the amount of people who think that they're being asked if they want their sub "microwaved" rather than "Mike's Way" is pretty wild. Not only does that annoy the person making your sub, who is likely raising an eyebrow at you not paying proper attention, but it also does a disservice to their taste. "Yes, it very much makes me cringe when customers think I say microwaved ... I don't think I've ever microwaved a deli meat sandwich," says one Jersey Mike's employee over on Reddit. While some sub places like Subway might toast your sandwich, microwaving it is a completely different proposition, and is likely to result in a soggy, tasteless sub.

2. Ordering a load of extras during a busy period

Picture the scene: It's the height of the lunch rush, and there's a queue out the door. Everyone waiting for their sandwich just wants to grab something to eat and enjoy it before they have to get back to work. The employee making each sandwich, meanwhile, just wants to make sure that everyone's served in a timely manner, so that everyone remains happy and they get to go home with a smile on their face.

How do you ruin this situation not just for the employee, but for everyone? By ordering a load of extras during a busy period. Sometimes I wonder if people think "what can I do to ruin the grill master's day?" says an employee on Reddit, in response to another employee who posted a picture of a ridiculously long order where every sandwich had a load of extra toppings. It's even more annoying for the employees when you ask for a load of extras followed by requesting your sub "Mike's Way," which will add on a lot of additional time for your server, and will keep everyone waiting. 

3. Reaching over the glass to point at the toppings

Most of us prefer that folks we don't know don't pop up in our workplace, but Jersey Mike's employees don't have a choice in the matter — they're customers, after all. There's a difference, though, between folks coming in to order sandwiches, and folks invading the employees' workspace by reaching over the glass. Numerous Jersey Mike's employees have pointed out how annoying it is when customers do this, making the point that while some people might think it's helpful to reach over and point to the food they want, most of the time the servers know exactly what you're referring to.

Reaching over the glass to point at things can also be surprisingly risky. There are a lot of items and machines behind the glass that Jersey Mike's employees are trained to work with, like the meat slicer. Customers don't go through the same safety procedures with these things, and it's all too easy for them to injure themselves. Aside from all that, it's just unsanitary to be pawing at all the food on the other side of the glass. There's a reason why Jersey Mike's employees wear gloves, guys.

4. Complaining about Jersey Mike's quality to the wrong person

Here's the thing, folks. You might not be 100% happy with the sandwich that you get from Jersey Mike's — and that's okay! Not every order will hit the spot, and there's no accounting for variables in the quality of the ingredients or how your sub is made. However, one thing that riles Jersey Mike's employees up like nothing else is complaining to the wrong person. "There are hundreds of customers a day," notes an employee on Reddit. Expecting employees to deal with your specific complaint and make everything better, especially when they're not being paid as much as a manager would be (and therefore probably don't have the power to do so) is kinda wild.

That's not to say that you shouldn't flag any concerns or qualms you have about your sandwich to your employee, but just be aware that the person you're speaking to may not be able to fix the problem. For quality-related issues, it's best to speak to the manager of the specific store you're in. Better yet, take it up with the head office. 

5. Ordering already-meaty subs with extra meat

If you're a big fan of a meaty sub, Jersey Mike's is the place to be. The sandwich chain has subs that can appease the appetite of even the biggest carnivores. One thing that will annoy Jersey Mike's employees to no end, though, is assuming that the meaty sub you just ordered isn't meaty enough. The internet is littered with servers stating how irritating it is when customers ask for subs like the #44, #66, #56, or #13 with additional meat, stating that there's just no need to do so — these sandwiches have enough meat in them as it is.

It's useful to remember that ordering extra meat unbalances your sandwich. You're well within your rights to ask for some more ham or turkey, but doing so will just make the sandwich harder to close, and for you to get your jaw around it properly. Plus, extra meat can also make your sandwich more mealy and dry, causing you to have to ask for extra oil or vinegar which can then make the sub too wet. It's a slippery slope, folks. Just trust that the order will be meaty enough — some of the subs are already pretty unhealthy thanks to the amount of meat they have.

6. Referring to the subs as rolls

If you're one of those people who really wants to get into it about the distinction between a sub and a roll, you're likely not going to have a lot of fun at Jersey Mike's. The employees who work there are tired of being corrected when they ask if you want your sandwich on white bread, and you retort that it's actually a "roll." They know that they're rolls, guys, they just have better things to do than get into it with you.

One employee on Reddit detailed exactly how rude some customers can be on this front. "One time I got cussed out by a customer because he asked me if we have rolls and, not knowing whether he meant the sub roll or some kind of bakery roll/other bread option, I just picked up a loaf and replied "this is the only type of bread we carry"," they said. The employee goes on to tell the world that the customer in question then promptly exploded in anger, shouting at the staff and talking about how he doesn't want to eat there any more. We've gotta ask, was all of that really worth it?

7. Treating the employees rudely

Treating employees rudely should be a no-no at any fast food outlet you go to, and it's one of the things that servers at Jersey Mike's hate the most. Unfortunately, stories of customers being rude to employees is all too common at Jersey Mike's. Perhaps it's because the service and ordering style allows people to pick exactly what they want on their sub, which leads to slightly more demanding behavior than they'd exhibit in other places. Whatever the reason, it's a surefire way to make your server hate you.


employee at jersey mikes refused to serve customer after she was being rude over a sandwich that couldn't be made and then threatened to sue the store #jerseymikes #rudecustomer #chickensandwich #publicfreakouts

♬ original sound – 🩷SarahConner🩷

It's also the fastest way to get yourself refused service, and potentially kicked out of the store. A viral TikTok showed this in full force, capturing an interaction between a customer and a Jersey Mike's employee who had quite clearly had enough of being treated poorly. After an exchange of words between the two, the employee asked the customer to leave the restaurant, stating that she would no longer make any food for the person recording.

8. Saying your own name when they ask if you want it Mike's Way

It's always nice to spark a bit of conversation between you and the person serving you food, and kindness and a joke or two go a long way. However, there's one joke that Jersey Mike's employees just can't stomach anymore. When they ask you if you want your sub "Mike's Way," if you want to preserve their sanity, please don't respond with your own name. Asking for a sub made "Rick's Way," or "Eleanor's Way," or whatever your name is, isn't likely to make you any friends at Jersey Mike's.

The reason? They've heard it a million times before. This specific joke is one that's repeated time and time again in Jersey Mike's locations across the country, and it wasn't really funny the first time. Plus, you're just making their job kinda difficult to do. Jersey Mike's employees are instructed to ask if you want your sub "Mike's Way," and if you respond with your name instead of just saying yes or no, they have no idea what you actually want on your sub.

9. Ordering your subs one at a time

Here's something that you might think is helping your server out, but is actually making their life way harder. If you're ordering multiple subs in one order, please don't order them one at a time — it's one of the things that Jersey Mike's employees like the least about their job. "The worst one is ordering one sub and me asking any more and then ordering the same sub after I'm done slicing," says an employee over on Reddit. Although it's particularly irritating to do this with the same sub over and over again, it's also pretty annoying if you're ordering different subs.

The reason this particular quirk is so infuriating is because Jersey Mike's employees are multitasking masters. If you're ordering several different subs, they can quickly calculate which toppings they'll need to grab and which bread they can pre-slice to save time, and can batch up their jobs to save time. This, in turn, means that you get your sandwich way more quickly, and the people behind you don't have to wait forever before they can eat. 

10. Trying to pick up an order without mentioning your name

Do people think that Jersey Mike's employees are psychic? Judging by some customers' behavior, it would seem so. For some reason, a bizarre amount of customers coming for online orders will assume that the server they're speaking to will know what they're there to pick up, without mentioning their name first. One employee detailed the process over on Reddit, in a series of events that sounds totally infuriating. "'I'm here to pick up my order.' Expectant look. I've started mentally counting to 10, smiling at them, before asking for a name," they said. "I get to 10 about 50% of the time. Yeah. You're the only person we're serving today."

It's worth remembering that your local Jersey Mike's might be dealing with dozens of online orders at one time, particularly during busy lunch or dinner services. Make things easier for yourself and everyone else, and just tell them your name right away when you're picking up food. If you don't, you may end up going home with the wrong sub in your hands, before having to go back and start the process all over again.

11. Ordering two conflicting subs at the same time

When you walk into a Jersey Mike's, you should be able to grab anything that's on the menu (unless there are specific ingredients out of stock, of course). However, it might be useful to bear in mind exactly what's in your order. Ordering two subs that have no similar ingredients at the same time may not be off-limits, but it's a surefire way to make your server sigh. Jersey Mike's employees on Reddit have discussed this customer quirk as a real irritant, with one pointing out that their most annoying order to make is "a 9 and 13 together. They share absolutely nothing, so I can't even speed it up by slicing some of the meats together."

It isn't just the fact that you're making your server do way more work, either. The more stuff they have to prepare, the longer things will take, and the more the line behind you will get annoyed. Having said all this, you should still be able to grab the things you want from Jersey Mike's, and if you want two different subs, go for it. Just maybe wait until the store's a little quieter before doing so — and definitely don't order one of the Jersey Mike's secret menu items, which will just take forever. 

12. Eating food while you're putting in an order

Ordering food at any fast food joint is simple: You ask for what you want, wait, pay, and then walk out with your food. Only then should you really start eating. Beginning to munch on your food before you've even handed over any cash, though? That's a real sore spot for Jersey Mike's employees. One server named the stereotype of "the guy that always opens a bag of chips and eats them while ordering" as one of the most annoying customers to deal with in their store on Reddit. Even worse is when customers then proceed to tap the glass (or worse, reach over it) with hands covered in chip grease, crumbs, and salt. Yuck.

It doesn't take a genius to figure out why Jersey Mike's employees don't like people doing this: It's just kinda rude. The people working there shouldn't have to put up with you chewing your food in front of them while they make your sandwich, and besides, you haven't even paid for what you're eating yet. It's also pretty unhygienic, and leaves them having to clear up any mess you make after you leave.

13. Blaming the employees for broken items

Is there something broken at your Jersey Mike's? You have every right to be disappointed — just don't take it out on the staff. If the grill, drinks machine, bathroom, or anything else in the Jersey Mike's you're in is broken or out of order, it's okay to report it to the people working there, but the likelihood is they're just as annoyed as you are and waiting for it to be fixed.

"Our grill has been broken for a few weeks. Despite this being displayed on the door, we still get people coming in and getting upset," says one employee on Reddit. "I've only witnessed one actual fit, when a middle aged woman stomped her feet like a child and threw her chips down before running out. She told us we ruined her day."

Now come on, folks. Do you really wanna be like that customer? It's highly likely that the person that you're complaining to doesn't have the power or technical know-how to fix these complicated machines. Instead of having a tantrum, just go to a different store. Oh, and don't expect them to use their grills for what you ask for — especially if you want your sandwich toasted.

14. Asking your server to change their gloves

Jersey Mike's employees will always put on gloves before they make your sandwich (if they didn't, they kinda should have). If you're asking them to change their gloves, though, you're just wasting everybody's time. Even if you didn't see them do so, they've probably just snapped on a fresh pair before beginning to make your sandwich, and washed their hands before doing this. This falls in line with basic hygiene measures, which is after all one of the cornerstones of their job. So just trust them, okay?

With that being said, it's also useful to listen to your instinct on these things. If the store you're in looks noticeably dirty or unhygienic, or you definitely saw someone reuse gloves or put them on without washing their hands, then don't be afraid to speak up. If you're just doing it to throw your weight around, though, don't expect the employees to be particularly happy with you.