The Best Trick For Crunchy Homemade Pickles Is Also The Easiest

If there's one word that should be used to describe any good pickle, it's crunchy. That satisfying snap you experience when you take a bite can make the difference between a good pickle and a bad one, so it's crucial to take steps that will prevent your pickles from coming out soggy. Even if you know how to pickle anything, implementing hacks to make your pickles crunchier never hurts. Luckily, the best trick couldn't be easier — simply poke a few holes in your cucumbers before you begin the pickling process to ensure they turn out snappy and crunchy all the way through.

This trick works because poking holes in the cucumbers allows the brine to penetrate them faster and more evenly, which allows the pickling mixture to work its magic more effectively. You don't need any special equipment for this pickling hack, either. All you need to do is use a fork, skewer, toothpick, or knife to puncture a few small, evenly sized holes throughout the cucumber. Don't make the holes too large, since you don't want the cucumber falling apart or for the holes to be noticeable when you eat the pickle. Then, continue pickling them as you normally would, and get ready for a final product that's as crunchy as can be.

Other tips for making homemade pickles crunchy

Just like adding holes allows the brine to seep into the cucumber more easily, increasing the surface area of each cucumber will have the same effect. You can achieve this by cutting your cucumbers into halves or spears, especially if you're using larger ones. This will expose more of the softer inside to the pickling brine, resulting in a crunchier pickle. If you prefer a whole pickle, opt for a smaller variety.

The skin of the cucumber acts as a protective layer from the pickling brine, and pickles that are harvested later in the year or that stay on the vine longer before being picked tend to have thicker skin, so timing can make a difference in the overall crunch of your pickles, too. If you're growing your own, even the time of day you harvest your cukes can make a difference (for the best homegrown pickles, pick your cucumbers in the morning). Another simple prep tip for crunchier homemade pickles every time is to remove the blossom end of the cucumber before you start pickling, since they contain enzymes that soften them.