The Genius Ingredient Swap For Banana Bread If You Don't Have Bananas

Bananas are nothing less than a nutritional powerhouse. They're full of vitamins and nutrients, are famously high in potassium and antioxidants, and have been linked to blood sugar management, kidney and heart health improvement, and even a healthy gut biome. Despite this, getting some people to eat bananas can be a bit of a challenge, whether it's the taste or the texture they disagree with. However, banana bread is a great option that's sure to make everyone happy.

The problem here is the bananas themselves because one of the biggest mistakes you can make with banana bread is using bananas that don't have the right ripeness. That means you have a very short window to use them to make your bread, which can be inconvenient. You might not want banana bread that day, you might not have time, or you might have a hankering for it ... but have no bananas. There's a brilliantly simple hack that will solve all your problems, and that's to use baby food in lieu of bananas.

Depending on what you're making, you can use one or two baby food jars to replace the mashed banana in your favorite extra-moist banana bread recipe. It's easy and convenient, and since baby food is shelf-stable, you can put a few jars in the pantry, and they'll be ready and waiting whenever you decide you'd like some banana bread. There are, however, a few things to keep in mind.

Baby food is the easy substitute you didn't know you needed

Another great thing about banana bread is that it's very forgiving. Most recipes will call for two, three, or four extra-ripe bananas, and it goes without saying that not all bananas are going to be the same size — so it's not a precise measurement. When you're using banana baby food, a good rule of thumb is to use two jars in a recipe that calls for two or three bananas. 

Some of the most popular brands of baby food include just bananas and lemon juice concentrate on the list of ingredients, perfect for using in your banana bread. It's also a great opportunity to get a little creative — with minimal effort. When stocking up on the banana, also consider some of the other options: A banana and coconut mix can add a delicious extra dimension to your favorite banana walnut bread recipe, a blueberry and banana puree would give your white chocolate blueberry banana bread a serious boost, and there are plenty of other options out there as well. Banana bread was, after all, made for experimentation.

This hack also works with a variety of different flavors. Take your favorite quick bread recipe and swap out the bananas for other baby food puree flavors. For example, a chocolate and cinnamon banana bread is delicious, but replace the banana with apple for a delectable fall treat. Have a go-to chocolate chip banana bread? Reach for some strawberry baby food for a unique twist. The possibilities are endless.