Seriously, You Need To Try Your Next Burger In A Pita Bread Bun

Most home cooks have a carefully-guarded recipe for the perfect burger. But what if you want to change things up and upgrade your burger in an original way? You've probably been using those spongy store-bought hamburger buns your whole life. At best, maybe you mixed things up with some ciabatta, or a few slices of rye bread for a patty melt. The answer, believe it or not, is pita – allow your mind to be opened to the possibilities of using it for your traditional patty.

There are two methods of preparing pita burgers, and they're both exceptional. You can go for the obvious preparation, and, after grilling your burgers or cooking them on in the oven, simply stuff them inside the opened pita pocket with your toppings of choice. If you make pita burgers this way, make sure to warm your pita bread in the oven or air fryer for the best texture. Alternately, you can cook the burger within the pita, in the style of the Lebanese street food classic arayes. The pita gets crispy and golden, and the meat steams inside the bread, retaining a luscious amount of juices. Lamb and beef are the typical meat for arayes, but there's no reason a veggie patty couldn't absolutely join the party as well.

Basically everything about pita buns leads to a better burger

The reasons why pita bread makes for better burgers are many, but the top two are paramount. First of all, pita pockets don't tend to get soggy like traditional buns, as they are less absorbent. Secondly, because they are thinner and less "bready," you really get to savor the essence of the meat and toppings — the pita is much more of a chameleon in the assembly. Also, when you toast pita, it gets crunchy. That provides a great textural contrast to your juicy patty and toppings of choice.

Speaking of toppings — anything Mediterranean is going to shine when you make your burger in a pita bread bun. Red onions are an absolute must. Think fresh, bright tabbouleh, black olives, and thick slices of ripe tomato. Salty feta is the obvious cheese choice for your pita burger, especially when you dress it up with some creamy tzatziki or garlicky hummus. Or pile on a coleslaw with a Greek twist to stack on the vegetable crunch that you'd normally get from iceberg lettuce. Pitas are strong and can hold several fillings — once you make the switch from normal buns, it's doubtful you'll ever want to go back.