The Compound Butter That Adds A Perfect Sweetness To Chicken Sandwiches

If you've ever had a chicken and waffle sandwich, you already know that maple syrup drizzled over this savory creation is a perfect culinary match. That said, if you really want that sweet contrasting flavor to permeate every bite, making a maple compound butter is the smart move.

For those wondering what compound butter is and what to use it for, this application is a study in its strengths. One of the beauties of butter is its ability to absorb and distribute flavors. As it warms — whether on a hot chicken breast or simply on the palate — those subtleties within begin to bloom, releasing both aromatic and flavor compounds in a major way. With standard butter, that means its natural, grassy complexities, but once infused (with maple in this case) and spread on your sandwich, you're guaranteed a powerful dose of that familiar sweetness — a quality that is further amplified by fat.

This stuff is arguably delicious on just about anything, but maple butter pairs super well with common chicken seasonings like black pepper, garlic, and chili powder, providing a satisfying counterpoint and enhancing the whole flavor profile. It's also easy to make and customizable, too.

Making a maple butter sandwich of your dreams

This dream sandwich starts with making delicious homemade maple butter, for which you'll need just two ingredients – maple syrup and softened butter. Combine a ratio of about 2:1 butter to syrup using a mixer, or simply in a bowl with a rubber spatula. You can even add spices like cinnamon or cayenne, or even a little brown sugar to taste. From there, you can simply wrap up your butter into a log shape using parchment or wax paper, and stash it in the fridge (or even freeze it).

When it comes time to make your chicken sandwich (which can be grilled, fried, or otherwise), slice off a pat of this infused fat and use it to butter up your chosen bread (this can be fluffy Southern-style biscuits, buttermilk waffles, or your favorite standard issue loaf) before assembling your chicken and toppings. For inspiration — if you care to add an extra crispy element to your sandwich — this delicious spread complements savory bacon. The sweet-rich qualities of the butter will also help temper punchy pickled jalapeños if you're looking for a little kick.

Maple butter will also be delicious on meatless chicken alternatives for vegetarians diners. And if you have any maple butter leftover, melt it down and drizzle it on fresh popcorn, or use it as an ingredient to add sweet depth to your favorite cookie recipe. You'll never be sorry to have maple butter on hand.