What's The Difference Between McDonald's Big Arch Sauce And Big Mac Sauce?

McDonald's Big Mac sauce has earned quite a large fan base since it arrived on the famous Big Mac burger back in 1968. The sweet and tangy signature sauce, and the burger it accompanies, has reigned supreme for over 50 years. But recently, word of a new McDonald's burger sauce has lucky fans reaching for a Big Arch over a Big Mac. McDonald's is currently testing a new Big Arch burger in areas of Canada and Portugal, and early reviews are looking good. One user on TikTok raved about the Big Arch burger, saying, "I think this is the best burger McDonald's has ever made ... I think it's the onions and the sauce. I don't know what the sauce is. Who knows what the sauce is?" Apparently, this brand new burger is, in fact, accompanied by a brand new sauce called Big Arch burger sauce.

But is there really a difference between McDonald's signature Big Mac sauce and this saucy newcomer? According to nutrition information on McDonald's website, Big Arch sauce has a base of tomato concentrate, while Big Mac sauce utilizes sweet relish. Both sauces contain similar key ingredients like soybean oil, egg yolks, vinegar, and a vague description of "spices," however Big Arch sauce explicitly states the use of mustard seeds, which is missing from Big Mac sauce. Comparing the ingredients leaves us to believe that Big Mac sauce is sweeter, while Big Arch sauce may have more of a tang and slight spiciness to it.

For now, only those in Canada and Portugal can try the new Big Arch sauce

Famously, there is no ketchup in Big Mac sauce, which sets it apart from other traditional house sauces that other burger joints offer. However, the tomato concentrate-based Big Arch burger sauce may prove that the tangy taste of tomato might be what McDonald's burgers have been missing. One McDonald's customer posted on Reddit after getting their hands on a Big Arch burger for themselves, reporting that the new menu item was "massive and satisfying." Another called it "an upgraded Big Mac," claiming to enjoy the portions of meat, bread, and sauce. Of course, not everyone was an immediate fan. A less convinced Reddit user shared that the Big Arch sauce was "not so flavorful," and declared that they still prefer Big Mac sauce.

Unfortunately for McDonald's fans who are not in Canada or Portugal, we will have to live vicariously through those who have tried this burger until we can confirm for ourselves whether the sauce is truly delicious or slightly overhyped. It's just another food on McDonald's menus around the world that are not avaialble in the U.S. Rumors have been floating around that the United States may soon see the arrival of the Big Arch burger, but there have been no confirmed reports at the time of publication.