Follow One Easy Step To Get The Most Flavor Out Of Canned Tomatoes

When it comes to cooking tomatoes, whether it's for pasta sauce, pizza marinara, or chunky soups, you want to get the most flavor possible out of the fruit. Did you know, though, that fresh tomatoes aren't the best choice? Canned tomatoes are the better option because the canning process preserves them during the peak season, when they're the ripest. In fact, avoiding the tinned variety is one of the many mistakes everyone makes when cooking tomatoes. However, it takes one easy step to unleash their full flavor potential: Simmer on the stove.

While the canning process involves cooking tomatoes, it only heats the fruit enough to kill harmful germs and increase their shelf life. Heating them on the stove before you add the other ingredients for your recipe will help the natural sugars develop. As the excess water evaporates, the flavor becomes more concentrated. It also breaks down the tomatoes, which results in a smoother texture.

To achieve optimal results, drain the liquid from the can into a bowl to set aside, and pour the canned tomatoes into a Dutch oven or saucepan. Bring the tomatoes to a simmer for as long as it takes for the water to evaporate and the flesh to somewhat caramelize. At this point, you have the option to add the liquid from the can to the simmering pot so that the flavor from that reduces as well. On the other hand, you could save it to add to your dish later if it's too thick and needs some thinning.

More ways to get extra flavor from canned tomatoes

While cooking canned tomatoes in the oven or on the stove unlocks flavor from their natural sugars, there are some other things to keep in mind and do so that you get the most out of your dish. For starters, San Marzano tomatoes are an Italian variety that are known for their rich but less acidic flavor compared to other varieties. They contain less water and fewer seeds, too.

Another thing to keep in mind is that tinned whole peeled tomatoes take longer to break down. You may want to chop or crush them by hand or pulse them with a food processor first for faster cooking. While this gives you more control over your dish, getting already diced or crushed tomatoes (depending on your recipe) is an easy, less messy shortcut.

In addition, certain herbs and other ingredients enhance tomatoes and wake them up. For instance, the flavor of fresh basil is complementary to the fruit's sweetness, as are the green, earthy notes of oregano. Also, cilantro can make canned tomatoes taste brighter because of its citrusy flavor. White balsamic will make them taste brighter, too, while tomato paste will make them more savory.