The Pickled Upgrade Your Cocktails Have Been Missing

Pickled food fans, you've come to the right place. Those of us who can't get enough of this sour, acidic food are always looking for new produce to pickle or new ways to incorporate pickles into our meals. But perhaps it's time you thought outside the box — or off the plate, to be more specific. Pickling isn't only for food. It makes a satisfying addition to beverages, particularly cocktails, and this recommendation will have your mouth watering in no time.

So, what's the secret pickled upgrade your cocktails have been missing? Pickled ginger, or gari as it's known in Japanese cuisine. There's something about that zesty crunch that enlivens our taste buds and our spirits. The combination of spicy and sweet from the ginger, and acidic flavors from the pickling mixture adds a flavorful boost to cocktails. Plus, it's packed with health benefits. Ginger is known to support digestion, ease nausea, and boost immunity.

Much like quickly pickling anything, pickled ginger is made by peeling and salting ginger root and then pickling it in a sugar and rice vinegar mixture. If making pickled ginger the old-fashioned way is too time-consuming, you can often find it at the grocery store or Asian markets. Once you're armed with this ingredient, you'll need to know how to use it. Luckily, we know which cocktails pair perfectly with a pickled ginger garnish. But that's not all — we've also discovered more creative ways to incorporate ginger into beverages. So read on to find a boozy beverage that pickles your fancy.

Would a ginger garnish complement your next cocktail?

You probably haven't seen pickled ginger used for much other than sushi. But don't be discouraged; some condiments merely require a brave soul to guide the way. So, if you love pickles, now is your time to shine!

The easiest way to use pickled ginger in drinks is as a garnish. You could easily grab a few slices of gari and gently place them atop a cocktail. However, pairing cocktails with garnishes is a delicate affair, and you want to ensure their attributes complement each other. A few slices of ginger over a vodka soda or gin and tonic could work wonders. And don't be afraid to embrace your inner mixologist to get more creative. Ginger complements just about any mule or Bloody Mary, as it goes well with citrus and ginger beer present in a mule and herbs in Bloody Mary ingredients. For a refreshing option, garnish your grapefruit basil martini with pretty pink pickled ginger.

When pairing this garnish with drinks, avoid overly sugary cocktails like rum and coke or creamy options like chocolate or espresso martinis. The salty zest of a pickle is so far removed from the other flavors that it would only confuse the palate. Stick to boozy beverages that contain savory, acidic, or herbal elements.

More ways to incorporate pickled ginger into your beverages

Pickled ginger isn't only a drink topper; you can mix it into a drink. Whether you go for classic or pink pickled ginger, it'll also enhance the drink's aesthetic appeal. When going this route, we recommend clear beverages like vodka sodas so the ginger won't go unnoticed — both visually and tastewise. Alternatively, ginger can also be muddled into a ginger mojito. The fibers don't break apart, but it adds a zesty touch. And, of course, don't let that pickled ginger brine go to waste! Use it in place of olive juice in a dirty martini to provide that salty flavor you love but with a tangy ginger twist.

Ginger serves a purpose when eating sushi, and that same purpose can be applied to cocktails. With sushi, ginger is a palate cleanser, but palate cleansers aren't solely for food. Pickled ginger can be used between cocktails or alcohol flights to refresh those taste buds. But remember, presentation counts. So spiral those ginger slivers onto pretty cocktail sticks and display them alongside your drinks.

Lastly, pickled ginger isn't only for those imbibing in boozy beverages. It pairs well with mocktails of all kinds, from virgin bloody Marys to pineapple and lime spritzers. Pineapple, lime, and ginger make a particularly tasty team since you get sweet, sour, and spicy elements. And with all the nutritional benefits of ginger, it makes a great addition to health tonics. For an especially beautiful beverage, use pickled ginger to garnish beet kvass. Beet kvass is a probiotic drink that's a naturally deep purple, so light pink ginger adds an impressive contrast.