The Simple Bottle Trick That Will Keep Your Soda Fizzy For Longer

Don't you just hate coming back to your half-full bottle of soda or pop, depending on what you call it, only to find that it's now flat? This is the classic flat soda dilemma, and except for a few people who actually prefer flat soda, almost everyone else finds it disappointing. But what if you don't want to drink it all at once? Well, you're in luck because you're about to discover a cool bottle hack to maintain the fizz in your carbonated beverages for longer; no special gadgets are required. 

For this trick, you won't be needing any special tools, just your bare hands. Simply squeeze out as much air as possible from the bottle and lock it tightly. The goal here is to make sure that you put the cap on while the bottle is still crumpled up. It might not look pretty, but it certainly works. You can also use this technique to store sparkling water. If you're wondering how this works, it's straightforward. Squeezing air out creates pressure within the bottle that helps preserve the gas bubbles in your drink.

How to keep your soda fizzy for longer

For most people, it's the carbonation that makes soda even worth drinking at all, and without the refreshing bubbles on your tongue, it's like the beverage has lost its magic. The simple truth is that once you open that soda bottle, the gas slowly bubbles out of the drink, and sadly, you can't put it back in. This trick means you no longer have to drink it as quickly as possible before all the gas escapes.

Another hack involves using a unique bottle cap called the Fizz Keeper. It has a built-in pump that forces air into the bottle, keeping the pressure up and your drink fizzy. Alternatively, you could even build your own re-pressurizing cap by attaching an air valve to a bottle cap. Keep in mind carbonated drinks become flat faster in warm temperatures, so be sure to chill yours in the refrigerator.

In a nutshell, you could try to get soda to stay fizzy for longer, but you're only postponing the inevitable. Whether using a special drink cap or manually squeezing out the air, soda will still lose carbonation over time. Nevertheless, these tricks may allow you to enjoy your carbonated drinks for a little longer. 

Why do carbonated drinks go flat?

An interesting fact about soda is that the fizz comes from dissolving carbon dioxide into the liquid mixture under high pressure. This process is called carbonation, which explains why they're called carbonated drinks. However, once that pressure is relieved, for example, by opening the bottle, the gas rushes out. This explains the subtle pop and hiss after you break the seal.

Once you open that soda bottle, the clock starts ticking, and it's only a matter of time until all the gas leaks out. Usually, that takes around two to four days in the fridge. The longer you leave your drink standing, the more gas it loses. Other factors like temperature may play an important role, as drinks lose the fizz much faster at warm temperatures. In rare cases, soda may lose its carbonation while still unopened. However, this is more likely to occur with expired drinks, which may maintain their fizz for up to nine months. But, when it comes to opened pop, you can preserve the fizz for longer by utilizing this handy trick.