The Frozen Breakfast Sandwich We Didn't Expect To Be One Of The Unhealthiest

Sometimes, even the most creative and passionate cooks just can't mobilize quickly enough in the morning to whip together a from-scratch meal. And yet, given that breakfast is arguably the most important of the day, it may not be the best idea to simply rely on doughnuts or sugary cereal to fill the tank.

Fortunately, the freezer section of your grocery store has you covered, and there's a whole array of grab and go options that require nothing more than a quick trip through the microwave to be ready for you. From breakfast burritos to English muffins to waffle sausage sandwiches, there's a quick and easy solution for just about any hunger level, palate, and dietary preference.

Unfortunately, however, some of these convenience picks aren't the most nutritious, and if you're in a hurry, you may not have time to look super closely at the label — so we did it for you, and ranked 12 of the unhealthiest frozen breakfast foods you can buy. And despite being a plant-based selection, the one that surprised us and felt the least healthy of all was the Field Roast Classic Style Sausage, Egg & Cheese Plant-Based Sandwich.

The problem with this plant-based selection

What we found with the Field Roast freezer sandwich was unexpected because of the common perception that plant based foods equal healthy choices. Upon closer examination, however, we found that was not the case.

If you read the front label, it may seem as if this could be a no-brainer go-to option for eating well in the morning. The package boasts its 23 grams of protein, non-GMO ingredients, and calls out that it is "crafted" with JUST Egg brand egg substitute and Chao Creamery Creamy Original Cheese (a coconut-based alternative). It has a stamp to prove that the sandwich is vegan-friendly, and even announces its status as a carbon-neutral company. These are all elements that might make both an eco- and health-conscious consumer feel good.

What they might not feel good about, however, is the whopping 1170 milligrams of sodium in this product. That's more than half the recommended daily value. Additionally, this plant-based sandwich will deliver more than a quarter of a day's worth of saturated fat. And while it does make good on its promise of protein, one has to wonder whether that's a trade-off worth making particularly when other options are out there.

Frozen breakfast alternatives with less sodium

While Jimmy Dean Plant-based Patty Breakfast Sandwiches are slightly smaller in size (146 grams versus Field Roast's 208 grams), they might raise a few less eyebrows when it comes to sodium content (800 milligrams) and saturated fat (18 percent of your daily allowance, by comparison). And the brand manages to sneak some spinach into the sandwich as well, along with a breakfast patty that features brown rice, beans, quinoa, and egg whites, so you can rely on a diverse nutritional profile as well. Alpha offers a plant-based sammie with meatless spicy chorizo along with its veggie egg and cheese, and still drops the sodium content down to 790 milligrams (126 grams).

In fact, many meat-based options even have a better-looking nutrition label. Both a Hot Pocket Sausage Egg and Cheese, and the Jimmy Dean Delights Turkey Sausage, Egg, and Cheese have less sodium than Field Roast. (In fact, if you're opting for a meat-eater's option, we still think that the best frozen breakfast sandwich out there is an absolute classic in the Jimmy Dean family). While these options are all slightly smaller in size than the Field Roast, you might still be more satisfied knowing that you've opted for a frozen breakfast choice that is convenient, while still giving you the peace of mind that you're starting your day on the right foot.