Cracker Barrel Cheeses Ranked From Worst To Best

If you're a fan of "30 Rock", then you know about Liz Lemon and her night cheese. I was working on my night cheese this week with help from Cracker Barrel (no, not the restaurant and store), who reached out to me with a selection of its best cheeses — nine flavors in total. I know Liz eats her cheese straight out of the package, but visions of charcuterie boards, grilled cheese sammies, and quick afternoon snacks were all on the table for me. The possibilities were endless, as my mind sought to create.

I had the privilege of tasting all of these cheeses, from an aged reserve to the brand's fun snack packs, to see which one was the best. From taste to texture, no aspect of these cheeses were left unnoticed. Come on a cheesy journey with me to find out which cheeses were truly great and which options to forgo.

Some recommendations are based on first-hand impressions of promotional materials and products provided by the manufacturer/distributor/etc.

9. Extra Sharp Yellow

I love cheese, but there is a limit for me when it comes to certain flavors. Exceeding that limit was Cracker Barrel's Extra Sharp Yellow. However, it wasn't a complete failure. 

First, there was nothing sharp about this cheese except maybe the bright orange color. It tasted like Kraft American singles or something in that brand's blue box special but not in a good way. If that's your thing, go for it. To me, this cheese was underwhelming and a little gross. While it was super creamy, it leaned oily and very pungent. This was not a cheese I wanted to be snacking on.

While I am slamming this cheese's integrity, I will say the Extra Sharp Yellow would be perfect for melting over a homemade mac and cheese or within a grilled cheese combined with another flavor. I know it will melt to perfection. As a stand-alone, it didn't taste fresh or real. On to the next one, for sure.

8. Havarti

Up next on my list was a cheese I never really eat, and it's not because I don't like it; it's just not a favorite. That same sentiment stood true in this taste test with Cracker Barrel. Placing 8th was Havarti.

Overall, this option wasn't bad. It was a clean and fresh-tasting cheese, but it was pretty boring. While it was creamy with a great texture, it wasn't anything special when it came to flavor. I wanted to blame the lack of complexity on the smaller pieces, but that simply wasn't true for the other cheeses that came packaged in this way. I just don't think Cracker Barrel's Havarti offered a ton of flavor, but again, that's kind of the name of the Havarti game.

The only redeeming aspect for Havarti was the fun snack pack style option with crackers and a second cheese. I loved the snack pack, but the cheese was meh.

7. Sharp White

Next up was Cracker Barrel's Sharp White, and it was definitely a reflection of the label. With this one, I got some typical cheddar flavor with the subtle bite you'd expect from a sharp, but I wouldn't call it traditional sharp cheese. It didn't scream tang, but it wasn't bad by any means.

When it came to ranking, I didn't know where to place it. The Sharp White just didn't have any components that made it stand out — as a cheddar and as a cheese. It had that typical sharp cheddar feel with a light tang to it, but again, if you like tasty and pungent, you won't find those aspects here. 

If you need a solid cheese option and like a sharp white, this one won't let you down, but don't expect any wild flavors or complexity. Grab the Sharp White for a table spread, but I'd skip the wine pairings and creative endeavors.

6. Marbled Sharp

Looking like the boldest in the bunch with its two-toned exterior, the Marbled Sharp cheese from Cracker Barrel took 6th place in this ranking. This one was creamy with a little bit of sharpness to the flavor profile. It was a balanced bite that I enjoyed; no real drawbacks to be found. The traditional cheddar taste shone through, but it was kind of bland compared to some of the other options, which is why it didn't make it higher up on the list.

What I did love was the fact the Marbled Sharp comes in pre-sliced pieces in a resealable container. You can't get any easier than that when it comes to cheese, especially if you have a party or special event coming up.

Offering a good balance of taste and texture, Cracker Barrel's Marbled Sharp puts up a decent fight, but it wasn't the best by far. There were definitely better cheeses to enjoy from this brand, but I will say — this one looks great on a charcuterie board.

5. Cheddar Jack

I dug back into the snack pack selection to find the 5th place contender: Cheddar Jack. This fun cheese type was a mix of marbled cheddar and Monterey jack cheese. It looked pretty cool, but I felt the same way about the Marbled Sharp. Did the taste live up to its look?

The flavor profile was pretty good, especially within the first bite. I did get some nice hints from both cheeses — a light tang from the cheddar and the smooth goodness of the Monterey jack. However, the bold flavor dulled at the end of the profile, leaving me wanting more from the cheese's flavor palate without wanting more to eat. 

Regarding texture, this one was very creamy and very dreamy, but that one fact couldn't save this cheese within the ranking. Overall, this particular snack pack was pretty dull, but hey, it did it's work on my hike! These snack packs really are the best when it comes to practicality.

4. Aged Reserve

Out of all the options provided by Cracker Barrel, this one stood out. I know I shouldn't judge a cheese by its packaging, but I love an aged cheese, so an Aged Reserve cheddar seemed right up my alley.

What I found was an overall disappointment, but I feel a bit conflicted. I love how this one tasted super bold — the boldest of the bunch — but the aftertaste wasn't great, which is the reason it didn't move beyond 4th place. While the sharp and pungent characteristics you'd expect did show, the flavor turned weird and metallic at the end. Something was just off about this one in the aftertaste, but I think with the right cracker or fruit pairing it wouldn't be so aggressive. If I'm going with an aged cheese, I don't think it will be this brand, but if you need a flavorful option, this one promises to pack a punch.

3. Vermont Sharp White

In my mind, Vermont does cheese right (think Cabot Creamery), so I was pumped to try out Cracker Barrel's Vermont Sharp White. This one was definitely bolder than the regular sharp option, but honestly, there wasn't a huge difference between the two. There were minor subtleties present which pushed it up higher on the list, but you really had to look for them. The Vermont had a little more tang in the flavor profile than the Sharp White, with a more pungent smell that I enjoy when it comes to a good cheddar.

The Vermont Sharp from Cracker Barrel was a balanced cheese, offering the right bite and the right texture without any downsides. With that said, being the cheese snob I am, I do think there are better Vermont options out there, but this one does have a place. I don't think you'll be disappointed, whether you're hosting a party or simply need an afternoon snack. And with the convenience of the resealable container with pre-cut slices, the Vermont Sharp seems like a no brainer.

2. Extra Sharp White

Following my love of sharp cheeses was my second place pick: Cracker Barrel's Extra Sharp White. If you love a sharp cheese, this one is for you!

I feel like this was the flavor I was seeking, as the Extra Sharp White featured a deliciously traditional tangy bite. I was surprised that I liked this one over the Vermont option, which was really saying something about this cheese's profile. There was more tang and sour notes, a crumbly texture, and that aged taste we all know and love. This felt like a higher echelon cheese compared to the rest.

This was a truly a solid cheese — no notes, Cracker Barrel! I will happily eat this one again, especially in snack pack form. With the crackers to cut the tang and the creamy addition of the Extra Sharp Yellow pairing, this one works well as a balanced treat.

1. Gouda

Taking first place and shocking the heck out of me was Cracker Barrel's Gouda option. This one came in the snack pack with the yummy Vermont Sharp White and pretzel bites to act as a stellar complement. This was my favorite snack pack by far and one I will definitely seek out! 

Wy did it shock me? Hear me out. I love a gouda cheese, but I didn't think this one would rank first. I love the tangs and textures of sharps, but something about this one drew me in. Cracker Barrel's gouda was super creamy and featured a touch of smokiness within the profile. However, it was still a mild and offered that rich cheesy goodness you know and love from a gouda. 

To me, this was traditional gouda done right. I have no notes and plan on buying out the snack packs in my local store. Gouda and a Vermont option? This one is a must from me.

How we chose the best Cracker Barrel cheese

For this taste test, Cracker Barrel sent me all the products you see here, giving me the ultimate sampler of color, texture, and flavor. I was mainly focused on finding the best cheese flavor profile possible, looking for a balance of age and taste, but I did take texture into consideration. If there was anything off about the taste of the cheese, it went to the bottom of the list.