Step Your S'mores Game Up With This Iconic Candy

S'mores need no introduction. A true staple of summertime entertaining, the campfire treat, typically consisting of a roasted marshmallow and a piece of chocolate sandwiched between two graham crackers, cemented its position as a sweet classic shortly after the first s'mores recipe emerged nearly a century ago. But even the most quintessential treat can use an upgrade every once so often — and while the original s'more has inspired a myriad of delicious variations, from using rice krispy treats instead of grahams to adding bacon (yes, bacon), you can seriously elevate your s'more with the swapping in of an iconic candy in place of your chocolate squares: peanut butter cups. 

As it happens, peanut butter cups are just the ticket to upgraded s'mores with an extra layer of texture and a hint of salty flavor that will enhance its inherent sweetness. With a few alterations to the roasting process to maximize the flavor and melt factor, you've got a bonafide next-level snack. 

Using peanut butter cups for your s'mores

Adding a peanut butter cup to your s'more can be as easy — and delicious — as it sounds. Simply roast your marshmallow as usual, then place it with the peanut butter cup on your graham cracker instead of a piece of plain chocolate. The peanut butter will add saltiness to balance the sweetness of your chocolate and marshmallow, and its filling adds a grittier texture. You could even tempt the s'mores gods with a warm and melty peanut butter cup instead. There's a slight variation in the preparation process that will deliver that nutty decadence without leaving you with a gooey mess — by using marshmallow fluff instead of solid marshmallows. 

Hear us out: Not only will using fluff add a hint of vanilla, but by spearing your peanut butter cup with your s'mores skewer, dipping it generously into your fluff, and roasting it, you'll create a cushion for your peanut butter cup that will allow it to melt to your liking without running peanut butter all over the place. Do you prefer the crispness of a marshmallow roasted longer? You can still roast your fluff until it is pleasantly charred — as you would its traditional counterpart— and its thick texture will hold. And if you want to elevate your s'mores even further, consider using strawberry flavored marshmallow fluff for a treat with Neopolitan vibes.

Other delicious s'mores upgrades

Peanut butter cups aren't the only candy that can take your s'mores to the next level. For example, why not swap in a peppermint patty for your peanut butter cup for a mint flavor evoking a holiday feeling? You'd be surprised at how well that bold mint flavoring pairs with the mild sweetness of your marshmallow — and since peppermint patties are typically made of dark chocolate instead of milk, adding one will give your s'mores a richer, more sophisticated flavor profile. Additionally, the thickness of the patty will hold up well to the heat of the roasted marshmallow, limiting any mess. 

If you'd prefer to keep your variation slight, go ahead and substitute in a square (or two!) of caramel-filled chocolate. This decadent partnership will offer a similar texture and melt factor to the chocolate in traditional s'mores, but the caramel will add a buttery sweetness to pair deliciously with the other elements. Note: If you decide to go this route, you might consider using dark chocolate squares so that your s'mores aren't overly sweet. Whichever variation you choose, enjoy.