Make Your Next Omelet In The Air Fryer And Taste The Magic

Though it's been around longer, the air fryer is a kitchen appliance that took the world by storm during COVID-19 and has since been given a permanent place on many kitchen counters — nearly two-thirds of U.S. households, to be exact. If your home has one, you won't be surprised by this as it's hard to argue with the benefits it can bring. Air fryers are a healthy way to roast, crisp, bake, and even dehydrate your foods while saving time and money. It can be hard to remember that there are actually some foods that you shouldn't be making in your air fryer.

You may have already tried making pancakes or hashbrowns in your air fryer, but making an omelet may not have been on your radar. Here's why it should be. If you've tried to make the perfect omelet before, you'll know a few attentive steps are required. From testing your pan heat to stirring your omelet while shaking the pan to gently rolling your omelet, you're one mistake away from ending up with, well, scrambled eggs. Air frying your omelet requires minimal time and effort, with a soft and fluffy reward. It's as simple as whisking your eggs, adding mix-ins, and air frying in a baking-safe dish. No supervision needed!

How to get the perfect air fryer omelet

When making your omelet, your first step should be preheating your air fryer. Recipes will vary, but around 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 5 minutes should do the trick. Preheating your air fryer will ensure the hot air has been circulated, giving your omelet crisp edges and a golden-brown color. Classic omelet toppings such as vegetables, cheese, or ham will work well in an air fryer omelet the same way they would on your stovetop. You can bake your omelet in any oven-safe dish, like a cake pan or silicone receptacle; just make sure your dish is deep enough to hold the egg mixture.

Once you've put your mixture in the air fryer, you're pretty much done. Air-frying your omelet can take anywhere from 5-10 minutes, depending on whether you want a soft, fluffy omelet or a firm one. For a leftover omelet, the best way to reheat it is by placing it back in the air fryer for 1-2 minutes until your omelet heats all the way through.

Other ways to cook eggs in the air fryer

You might already know that there are over 100 ways to cook eggs, but you may not have considered how to include your air fryer in this process. Poached eggs are another method that can be daunting and difficult to get right. Next time, crack your eggs into ramekins filled with hot water. Make sure each egg is in a separate ramekin, and after 5-8 minutes, you'll have the most perfectly poached eggs. For soft or hard-boiled eggs, you can also save washing extra dishes by placing the eggs straight into your air fryer basket. Air-fry your eggs for 8 (soft-boiled) or 15 minutes (hard-boiled). Place into an ice bath before peeling, and enjoy however you like.

If you're going for a sweeter egg breakfast like French toast, your air fryer can also be handy. Prepare it as usual, and place your soaked bread into your lined air fryer, one layer at a time. Flip your bread once mid-cook to achieve crispy French toast. Serve with whichever toppings you like, and pat yourself on the back for having one less pan to clean.