This Umami-Packed Ingredient Cranks Store-Bought Pesto Up A Notch

Peek into any pasta lover's kitchen, and you're bound to find a jar of pesto tucked away somewhere. This vibrant green sauce, with its aromatic blend of herbs and other ingredients, can turn even the plainest plate of pasta into a delicious meal with just a few spoonfuls slathered on top. While homemade pesto is undoubtedly the gold standard, not everyone has the time or energy to whip up a fresh batch from scratch. That's where store-bought pesto comes to the rescue — it's quick, convenient, and more importantly, it gets the job done.

Its flavor, however, can be rather disappointing. But what if we told you there's a way to boost the flavor of lackluster store-bought pesto and bring it closer to the level of homemade basil pesto? And better yet, you don't need much: just a couple of sun-dried tomatoes!

Sun-dried tomatoes are packed full of umami, often described as the "fifth taste." It's a savory, meaty flavor that can add depth and complexity to anything — pesto included. By incorporating sun-dried tomatoes into your store-bought pesto, you can round out its flavor profile and bring it closer to the freshly made stuff.

Adding sun-dried tomatoes to your pesto

Part of the reason why ripe tomatoes taste so great is the presence of a compound called monosodium glutamate. Doesn't sound familiar? It's more commonly known by its shortened name — MSG. When these juicy red fruits are left out in the sun to dry, that umami flavor gets even more concentrated, giving sun-dried tomatoes an irresistibly strong flavor. It's exactly what we'd want in a flavor booster for our pesto, and the reason why recipes like this parsley pesto with sun-dried tomatoes work so well.

If you're unfamiliar with sun-dried tomatoes, you can find them in cans at most grocery stores in one of two forms: either packed in oil or dry-packed. While both work well, we suggest reaching for the dry-packed variety. The oil-packed version may come with herbed-and-spiced cooking oil, which could clash with the flavor of your pesto.

To incorporate it into your store-bought pesto, simply chop up a few sun-dried tomatoes and add the chunks to the sauce. Then, using a food processor or an immersion blender, blend the two together until the final sauce becomes smooth and creamy. That's all you have to do! Give it a taste and add extra seasoning if needed.

Alternatives to sun-dried tomatoes for more umami flavor

Can't find or not a fan of sun-dried tomatoes? Don't worry! There are plenty of other ingredients that can give your store-bought pesto that same umami boost. One easy alternative is capers. Just like with sun-dried tomatoes, toss a few capers into your sauce and blend them in with a food processor or immersion blender, and these savory buds will lend the thin-tasting sauce its umami punch.

Next on the list is nutritional yeast. It's not exactly a common pantry staple, but if you have some around, powderize the flakes, mix them into your pesto, and stir (or blend) well to combine. Aside from giving your pesto a rich, savory flavor, the yeast — as its name suggests — will fortify your pesto with extra nutrients like vitamin B12 and fiber, too.

And last but not least, for those who love a fusion twist, there's miso paste. Miso is practically the definition of umami, being made from fermented soybeans. A small dollop won't just add flavor, but you can count on it to give your pesto an extra layer of depth and complexity as well. Remember, these are just a few suggestions to get you started. Go ahead and experiment with different store-bought pesto upgrades until you find one that suits your taste. Who knows? You might just find one combo that'll become your signature sauce!