Starbucks' Coffee Creamer Swap For A More Luxurious Morning

Sometimes, a morning routine needs to be ordered like this in preparation to face the day: wake up, consume coffee, then get ready. Prepping the coffee maker, grabbing a favorite mug, and reaching for the coffee creamer in the fridge can become muscle memory, but now is the time to break that muscle memory and get experimental. In an Instagram post, Starbucks suggests swapping creamer for condensed milk to craft an even more enjoyable cup of joe, and it's not a bad idea. The sweet creaminess of condensed milk is bound to blend well with a bitter roast, making for an unforgettable cup of coffee.

New horizons — and flavors — are waiting to be explored with a simple change in your morning coffee routine. These changes can even incite feelings of happiness and motivation, making it even easier to take the day head-on. 

What is condensed milk?

The line between sweetened condensed milk and condensed (evaporated) milk is so blurry that these terms are frequently used interchangeably. While there is more to how sweetened condensed milk is actually made, the process generally involves water being evaporated from milk and then the addition of sugar to delay the product's spoiling. The result is an overwhelmingly sweet and creamy quasi-liquid that is a star in many desserts, from dulce de leche to arroz con leche (Mexican rice pudding).

There is a reason why Vietnamese coffee has become such an iconic beverage: the undeniable richness of sweetened condensed milk powers up the average cup of coffee. Swapping out creamer for sweetened condensed milk will surely scratch the caffeine itch while alleviating your sweet tooth. As with most missions of balancing flavors, taste as you go while adding condensed milk so that the flavor of the coffee itself is not overpowered by the sheer sweetness of condensed milk.

Other Starbucks suggestions and substitutions

In addition to condensed milk, Starbucks champions cinnamon and honey as coffee game changers. When a sprinkle of cinnamon is mixed into coffee grounds and then brewed, not only are you saved from a gritty sip of undissolved cinnamon, but you may also reap the health benefits of cinnamon. The anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidants found in cinnamon are a bonus to its woody sweetness. Adding cinnamon to your coffee grounds might be the next best thing since adding horchata to coffee for its rich, delicious kick.

If sugar has lost its appeal, then it is time to give honey a try. The flavor honey imparts on the coffee will depend on the nectar the honey is made from, leaving a variety of flavors at different intensities to choose from. This saccharine substance is perfect for helping a cup of coffee take on a perfectly unique flavor. Honey is one of many healthy ways to sweeten your coffee without sugar and will dissolve just as well in coffee as in tea, so why not give it a try in your next morning brew?