Does Aldi Sell Real Champagne In Its Stores?

Known mostly for its cheap items, Aldi is a low-cost German chain store that keeps you supplied with everything from fruits and veggies to your favorite booze all without breaking the bank. One type of alcohol you'll find at Aldi is wine, whether you're opting for its low-cost Winking Owl brand or going for something a bit more high end.

If it's sparkling wine, you'll find that Aldi has options there, too. The store has a few different varieties of bubbly available on its shelves. But, one style you won't find is champagne. In order for a sparkling wine to be counted as champagne, it has to be produced in the Champagne region of France. On top of that, it has to meet a set of strict guidelines that are outlined by the Comité Interprofessionnel du vin de Champagne, an agency in France. These regulations include monitoring the type of grapes and production method used to create the wine. Since none of the bottles that Aldi sells adhere to these guidelines, they're not able to be classified as champagne.

What sparkling options can you find at Aldi?

Just because Aldi doesn't sell official champagne doesn't mean that you can't pick up bottles with similar tasting notes. Firstly, Aldi sells a prosecco which can work well as a stand-in for champagne. It tends to be lighter-bodied and more fruit-forward, but it's still a fancy, sparkling alternative that tastes great. It can also be a nice choice for a classic mimosa.

Another champagne alternative is Aldi's California Heritage sparkling brut. This drink, like prosecco, tends to have a less robust taste with stronger citrus notes. The same brand also has an extra dry sparkling wine, which is a slightly sweeter version. As opposed to brut's content of fewer than 12 grams of sugar per liter, the extra dry bottle contains between 12 and 17 grams per liter. So, while you might not find a traditional champagne at Aldi, there are still options you can pick up if you're after a bottle of bubbly.