Don't Throw Out Those Spent Condiment Jars, Make A Vinaigrette Instead

How many times have you trashed an old mustard jar because it was too awkward to get the last bit out with a knife? Not only do you face the pain of food waste, but you have to spend time washing out the jar so that you can recycle it properly. But both of these issues can be avoided by using that last little bit to make a delicious dressing instead.

So many applications for condiments need you to get them out of the jar first. But when it comes to marinades or dressings, the jar becomes a tool. Simply add the ingredients for your marinade or vinaigrette to the jar, screw the lid on, and start shaking. The force of the liquid inside will mix up all the ingredients better than a whisk could, and it will clean the inside of the jar of any clumps of condiment too.

What to add to your condiment jars

Marinades and dressings can be as complicated as you want to make them, but this hack makes mixing them super speedy. If you want a quick and easy marinade from the last of your mustard just get some soy sauce or balsamic vinegar, crushed garlic, salt, pepper, and some herbs or spices. Add them all to the jar, give it a really good shake, and pour it all over some chicken. Pop it in the fridge, then just kick back and grill it when you're ready.

If you're looking to spice up some salad, then dressings are just as easy. You can add some white wine vinegar and some herbs to a jar of mayonnaise for a creamy dressing. Or you can just toss some red wine vinegar, olive oil, and some seasoning into the remains of some mustard for a simple vinaigrette. You can endlessly play around with different ingredients to match your own preferences.

Don't forget your jam jars for sweeter treats

This trick to stretch the last of a jar's contents doesn't stop with mustard and mayo. If you've got a jam jar with some smears of preserve around the inside, the same tricks as above will still work to make a tangy, fruity salad dressing. But there are still more options.

A nearly spent jam jar can become tomorrow's breakfast with easy overnight oats recipes. Tip in equal parts old-fashioned oats and milk and give it a good stir. The jam will incorporate in, and now that jar is just a bowl for your breakfast. You can always add extra treats as well, whether it's honey, a bit of yogurt, or even some chia seeds.

And to top it all off, that almost empty jar can provide an exciting finishing touch to a dessert: flavored whipped cream. For this simple whipped cream trick, pour heavy cream into the last bit of your jam until the jar is about one third full. Add in a little bit of sugar, put the top on super tight, and start shaking. It can take a few minutes, but it will start to thicken and then you can add a pleasing dollop to your favorite sweet treat.