Review: Thomas' Froot Loops Mini Bagels Are A Promising Bite Of Nostalgia

Toucan Sam says, "Follow your nose! It always knows!" and I swear, it's like he knew there was a Froot Loops combo in the works that would reflect such a tag line. The iconic smell of Froot Loops was the first thing I noticed when I grabbed a bag of the new Thomas' Froot Loops Mini Bagels. It was a wild moment where two breakfast worlds collided, and I'm here to give you the up front scoop to see if they are worth hype.

Did you ever think about combining bagels and cereal? No, neither did I. While I did go through a phase of crushing up Doritos Cool Ranch chips and putting them on bagels with cream cheese (was this a regional thing?), I've never thought about a sweet and savory combo like this. I've used Froot Loops for baking projects like a Rice Krispies treat swap, but that's where my creative food combos come to an end.

I had the chance to try Thomas' new Froot Loops Mini Bagels, and I have to say, I was pretty surprised by what I found. Read on to see what this new partnership is all about!

Some recommendations are based on first-hand impressions of promotional materials and products provided by the manufacturer/distributor/etc.

Where to buy Thomas' Froot Loops Mini Bagels and how much they cost

Unlike some of those other nostalgic gimmicks and combo-branded foods, this isn't one of those limited edition items that are hard to find. If you want to try Thomas' new Froot Loops Mini Bagels, you can buy them anywhere they sell Thomas products near you. In my area, they are sold at most major grocery stores, like Shaw's and Stop & Shop, along with super stores like Walmart.

These creative mini bagels come in a 10-pack and sell for around $5 a bag, give or take a few cents depending on the retailer. At an average of 50 cents a bagel, that's not too bad for the flavor train that's waiting to enter your station.

Thomas' Froot Loops Mini Bagels nutritional information

When it comes to nutrition info, I wouldn't exactly calls these mini bagels healthy. Two bagels have 260 calories, 360 milligrams of sodium, and 10 grams of sugar. While you will find 3 grams of fiber, 8 grams of protein, and some notables like calcium, iron, and potassium, these bagel really aren't the shining stars of health and wellness.

Even if that labels doesn't bother you, the ingredient list might. You'll find a lot of preservatives, colors, and other additives that aren't super healthy, but hey — that's to be expected with most store-bought bakery items. If you're enjoying these once in a while as a fun snack, then ignore this section. Have at it.

What Thomas' Froot Loops Mini Bagels taste like

I have to be honest: I was not excited to try Thomas' new Froot Loops Mini Bagels, as the combo didn't seem appealing to me. However, I was pleasantly surprised with what I found. 

The first thing you'll notice is the smell. Even through the bag, this product is truly reminiscent of Froot Loops cereal. They also taste exactly as you'd expect –- like a bagel with Froot Loops. The Froot Loops flavor wasn't super bold, but it was absolutely present within each bite, albeit subtle. I'm also here to tell you that these tasted good with cream cheese and pretty gross with butter. While I stayed with what I had in the house, a plain Tillamook cream cheese, I have the suspicion that something more creative like a strawberry or fruity flavor would be an even better option for these colorful creations.

Overall, I don't want to eat these on the regular, or most likely ever again, but I'm sure kids will. For a combo product that isn't exactly natural, these were pretty decent.

Our final thoughts about Thomas' Froot Loops Mini Bagels

I love a good bagel, but you'll usually find me at a local hot spot when that craving hits. When it comes to store-bought bagels, I have been known to lean Thomas, but a bagel x sugary cereal combo really isn't my thing.

With that said, I have to admit — these weren't bad at all! They were way better than expected for a fruity bagel. The flavors were subtle and true to the packaging. You get a tried and true Thomas bagel with light notes of Froot Loops within the taste and smell. These are balanced bagels.

If you love Froot Loops cereal (I do think it's the best cereal on the market) and you love bagels, you absolutely have to give these a try. The flavors might just surprise you. They sure surprised me!