A Costco Shopper Has Reinvented The Food Court Hot Dog In The Best Way

The Costco food court has long been a sacred place for the Costco faithful. It goes beyond an appreciation for its almost-never-raised prices (the hot dog and soda combo alone has cost exactly $1.50 for the past 40 years), though that doesn't mean Costco won't change. Many genuinely enjoy the food and look forward to new food court sandwiches and other items. Or, at the very least, love having something hot and fresh to snack on.

That doesn't mean there isn't room for a little creative improvement should the mood strike you, with one couple on Reddit discovering a delicious new way to enjoy the all-beef dog: Combine it with pepperoni pulled off a slice of pizza. This adds extra spice and flavorful oils from the pepperoni while the little pieces of baked cheese still clinging to the meat disks act as flavor bombs. Plus, says one half of the couple, the cheese helps cut the extra saltiness from the pepperoni.

The internet's response is a mixed bag

Understandably, the internet had many opinions on the combination. The top comment on the post was negative, quoting "The Godfather's" now deeply memed "look how they massacred my boy." Another called the transferring of pepperonis "robbing Peter to pay Paul," while one considered the caloric impact, saying, "Bro. You only have one body."

What you should do instead, claimed a few others, is wrap the hot dog, with or without a bun, inside the pizza. However, one of the original enterprising couple strongly disagreed, claiming that doing so overwhelms the hot dog with the pizza's cheese, sauce, and grease. Still more Costco fans in the comments section strayed from the hot dog and pizza combo, instead wanting to "take the hot dog and push it in the [Costco] chicken bake." 

Others combined all three, suggesting you either stuff the chicken bake with a hot dog and pulled-off pepperoni or use a slice to wrap up the hot-dog-stuffed chicken bake. No matter how you enjoy your Costco food court items, there's always a way to enhance them.