Add These Underrated Seeds To Your Granola For Elevated Flavor

Granola is one breakfast cereal worth the effort of making at home. If you're someone who finds store-bought granolas too sweet or always feel like there's one mix-in missing from the pack, then maybe you're already making your own. If that's the case, you'll know nothing quite beats the toasty, warm smell of granola baking in your kitchen. If your homemade granola needs a new burst of flavor — or maybe an extra bit of crunch — adding sesame seeds might be the solution. 

When thinking of seeds as granola mix-ins, pumpkin or sunflower seeds might be your first pick. While those seeds are great, sesame seeds have a unique, nutty, sweet taste and can add a deeper flavor profile to your delicious homemade granola recipe. Sesame seeds are also the perfect nut-free substitute in granola as they release the same aromas, especially when lightly toasted. Lightly toasting white, black, or mixed sesame seeds in your oven with the rest of the granola ingredients will also give additional crunch and texture to the mix. If you're unsure about adding sesame seeds to your granola batch, start by only adding a few tablespoons for a more subtle variation.

The added benefits of sesame seeds

Sesame seeds are used around the globe in both sweet and savory dishes, and with good reason. Apart from adding flavor and texture, they have a lot of nutritional benefits, which is another reason to sneak these little seeds into recipes when you can. They are a great source of fiber, with 3 tablespoons providing 12% of your daily recommended intake. Adding these to your granola, salads, and other recipes could be a great way to increase fiber in your diet and help your digestive health.

Sesame seeds are a natural way to lower blood pressure and cholesterol — which can help prevent heart disease – so eating more sesame seeds might be a great way to protect your heart health. Antioxidants can also be found in sesame seeds, which our body needs to fight off infections and protect our immune system. So, your homemade granola, summer salad, or chicken stir-fry recipe could use some sesame seeds.

Other ways to elevate your granola

What makes homemade granola so great is that the mix-in options are truly endless. Apart from sesame seeds, you could add chia or hemp seeds for an extra flavor and nutritional kick. If you're aiming for variety, add equal parts of your favorite seed varieties rather than just sticking to one kind. You may be already adding dried fruit mix-ins but think further than raisins or blueberries. Dates, dried mango, or banana chips are all great options to elevate your next granola batch. Always remember to mix in the dried fruit after your granola comes out of the oven to avoid burnt fruit.

Coconut oil or butter is usually used in granola recipes, but a great way to deepen the flavor would be to swap this for a nut butter of your choice. Peanut, cashew, or almond butter are great substitutes if they are nice and runny. Playing around with spices is also a great idea to add warmth and complexity to your granola. Some great additions include cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, cardamom, and ground cloves. Consider making a little spice mix of your favorites and keeping it on hand to sprinkle onto your granola. This is also a foolproof way to keep your house smelling great.