How To Keep Your Garbage Disposal As Stink-Free As Possible

Garbage disposals are an amazingly convenient home feature, but they do come with a major downside. This vital kitchen tool has a tendency to become a bit odiferous over time, which creates an unpleasant atmosphere in your home. To get help with this common issue, Daily Meal turned to virtual plumbing expert James Burroughs, who assists homeowners via the Frontdoor app. In addition to virtual assistance, the Frontdoor app also allows you to schedule in-person visits with knowledgeable and experienced professionals like Burroughs.

Burroughs recommends doing two things to keep your disposal smelling good. When grinding up food, you should "Continue to run water through the garbage disposal for a few moments after the disposal is clear," as doing so can prevent food debris from becoming stuck in the appliance. Also, "hot water is best" for this purpose, as it softens grease and fat so they can flow easily down the drain. When striving for a deeper clean, Burroughs advises grinding lemons and/or ice in the disposal "on a bi-weekly or monthly routine." When combining this advice with general tips for keeping your kitchen germ-free, you can rest assured of a pleasant, sanitary space.

How to tackle the splash guard

The garbage disposal is among the common kitchen areas people forget to clean, and the appliance's splash guard is subject to even greater neglect. This rubber seal prevents water and food from coming back up the drain, while also stopping utensils from falling into the disposal accidentally. This area can collect a lot of grime and food debris, but James Burroughs offers a suggestion on how to keep it clean.

Burroughs stated, "I find that a long handle dish brush does a great job at removing stuck debris from the bottom side of the rubber splash guard." The plumbing guru even says that this is the method he uses for cleaning the splash guard in his own home. Apply a bit of dish soap to the brush to help loosen stuck-on food and be sure to clean the splash guard on a regular basis (preferably once every month). When you're finished cleaning, run hot water down the drain to eliminate any lingering refuse.

Best cleaning agents to use to keep your garbage disposal fresh

According to James Burroughs, natural is better when it comes to cleaning agents for your garbage disposal. His suggestion of grinding lemons once a month or so is highly effective, as lemons deodorize disposals and help to break up lingering food debris. Keep in mind that other types of citrus can also work well, as lime is perfect for knocking fishy odors out of your disposal. Similarly, his suggestion of grinding ice in the appliance is equally helpful for accessing difficult areas of the disposal while simultaneously sharpening the blades.

There is one type of cleaning agent you must avoid at all costs when deep cleaning the disposal, explains Burroughs. The plumbing expert warns against "using abrasive chemicals or cleaning agents inside the disposal as it may shorten the lifespan of the unit." Cleansers containing bleach and other corrosive chemicals are likely to cause more harm than good, so focus on natural cleaning solutions instead. With Burroughs wise advice, you'll never have to contend with a stinky garbage disposal again.