The Canned Black Bean Brand That's Just Not Worth Buying

It's no surprise that canned black beans are a staple of pantries all over the world. In addition to their recipe versatility and convenience, these not-so-humble legumes are replete with essential nutrients like protein, fiber, and a range of minerals. While one might be tempted to think that all canned brands offer the same level of quality, this is sadly not the case.

As discovered during Daily Meal's ranking of canned black beans, there is one brand that falls short in virtually every category. Per our reviewer, Mrs. Grimes Black Beans earns its last place ranking via its flavor imbalance and subpar texture. Additionally, the can offered a paltry serving of black beans, as our reviewer stated, "The 15-ounce container was just over ¾ full after preparing the beans." While canned beans are always affordable, getting less for your money is never a welcome occurrence. Although, with quality this poor, perhaps the smaller-than-expected portion is really a blessing in disguise.

Bad taste and texture make for a lackluster dish

Our reviewer had two major complaints about Mrs. Grimes Black Beans. The flavor of the canned beans was "excessively salty," so much so that the saltiness "overwhelmed any other flavor elements." As for the texture, "these beans were completely disintegrated, and very few had a shape that remotely resembled an intact legume." The result was an "extremely overcooked and mushy" texture that had a substantial impact on the enjoyment of the dish (to ensure a pleasing texture and maintain overall quality, be sure to avoid these common bean cooking mistakes).

When compared to Daily Meal's number one canned black bean selection, it's easy to see where the Mrs. Grimes brand falls apart. Goya Black Beans have a flavor that "is not overly salty," while also being "meaty, rich with umami notes." Additionally, the texture of Goya Black Beans was described as "firm on the exterior, but extremely luscious and creamy on the inside." Based on these descriptions, it's pretty clear why Goya comes out on top, and why Mrs. Grimes leaves you mired in disappointment at dinnertime.

How to boost the appeal of Mrs. Grimes (if you must)

While everyone can benefit from smart seasoning tips for black beans, dealing with an overly salty can is another matter altogether. In this case, adding another ingredient to the beans may help rescue them from the clutches of salinity. Potatoes are excellent in this regard, as they're super absorbent. Simply cook the beans with a couple potatoes and a bit of water to soak up some of the excess salt, then relocate the salty potatoes and serve the beans as you normally would.

When it comes to the mushy texture, your best bet is to look for recipes that don't require black beans to be firm and toothsome. Triple-fried black beans are ideal in this regard, as this preparation must be run through a food processor until the beans and other ingredients develop into a paste. You can also overcome texture issues by transforming black beans into a wholesome and tasty bean burger. To enhance the texture even further, add diced cashews into the mix for a bit of heft without impacting the flavor of the finished dish. If these tips can elevate a lackluster brand like Mrs. Grimes, just imagine what they can do to delicious canned black beans.