Leftover Hamburgers Are The Perfect Excuse To Make Bodega-Style Chopped Cheeses

Food waste is a huge problem all over the world, particularly in the U.S. It's estimated that the average household throws out the equivalent of 360 medium-sized takeout containers full of food each year, which is about one a day. That's a ridiculous amount of food, and according to a 2023 survey done by MITRE-Gallup, 87% of households replied that yes, they had thrown away perfectly edible food at least once in the prior week. One of the biggest factors was leftovers, with only three out of 10 people saying that they regularly repurposed leftovers into another meal.

Those are pretty shocking numbers, so let's talk about one way to use up some of the bits and pieces that start with leftover hamburgers. One of the biggest mistakes that people make with leftovers is not reheating them properly, and the promise of strange textures, weird cold spots, and a downright unappetizing dinner is enough to make anyone give leftovers a miss, but turning those leftover burgers into bodega-style chopped cheeses is guaranteed to be a total win.

What is a bodega-style chopped cheese? The short answer is that it's a sandwich made with chopped hamburger and all the fixin's, served on a hero roll. (And please, don't call it a sub roll!) While there are some standard toppings that you might find on a traditional chopped cheese, it's also a great way to turn some of those leftovers into a meal that everyone is going to look forward to.

What is traditionally on a chopped cheese?

First of all, let's say that chopped cheese sandwiches have a long history in their native New York City, and although there's a number of potential origin stories, it's generally accepted that the iconic sandwich was (probably) developed by Carlos Soto at Hajji's, a bodega in East Harlem. Soto passed away in 2014, leaving behind an incredible legacy. The chopped cheese went from a local secret to getting mentioned in song lyrics and lauded by professional chefs, and you can definitely make them at home. The idea is pretty straightforward: Take your leftover burger, chop it into pieces, then melt a slice of American cheese on top. Transfer it to a toasted hero roll, add your toppings, and enjoy!

That really is all there is to it, and if it sounds simple, it is — but it's also deceptively delicious. The roll adds an entirely different texture, while the chopped burger allows for the melted cheese and all the toppings to fill all the nooks and crannies. There is everything to like about a chopped cheese, starting with the taste and ending with the fact that it's a quick and easy meal that everyone will love. Not only does it help you use up those leftover hamburgers, but it's so versatile that as long as you don't mind deviating from the traditional chopped cheese, there's plenty of other ways you can use this idea to help clean out some leftovers.

The chopped cheese is almost endlessly versatile

While a traditional chopped cheese has all the typical toppings of a cheeseburger — like lettuce, mayo, and tomatoes — there's no reason to stop there. There are plenty of locations that are taking them to the next level. It's true that the original fans of the sandwich and New York City natives might consider major changes to be a major offense, there's no reason why you can't use this same basic idea to make the most of your leftovers.

This is a great option for a super-fast, mid-week meal, especially if you tend to only have a bit of meat leftover from various meals. Stretch those leftover burgers with some diced bacon, pulled pork, or chopped roast chicken. Still don't have quite enough to stretch it to the whole family? Add a handful of chopped chicken tenders! While you can definitely turn leftover meatloaf into hearty sloppy joe sandwiches, it can make a great chopped cheese, too.

And of course, a chopped cheese is great with a side. Serve with leftover fries, a cup of soup, or that last bit of potato salad. You can even stir-fry leftover pasta to bring it back to life serve along with your chopped cheese, and the best thing about this entire meal isn't just the fact that you're using up leftovers, it's the fact that everyone in your family can pitch in to pick their favorite leftover for a mix-and-match meal that everyone will love.