The Metal Bowl Trick For Perfectly Melty Cheeseburgers

When making cheeseburgers, getting the cheese to melt just right is crucial. If you wait too long to add the cheese, you end up with firm slices that don't have that gooey texture we love. But, if you jump the gun, it melts all over the skillet, meaning less cheese on your burger and a harder pan to clean. Luckily, we have a clever hack to create perfectly melty cheeseburgers.

Once your burger is cooked, remove it from the skillet, add the cheese, and cover it with a metal bowl. The bowl will trap the steam coming off your burger and melt the cheese. Bonus tip: when removing the patty from your skillet, flip it over so the cheese is on the hotter side and will melt faster. Also, you want the bowl to be just large enough to allow the burger to breathe without allowing too much air in. Aim for one roughly twice as big as your burger.

Ultimately, the key here is timing. So make sure your patty is piping hot, and add the cheese and cover it with the metal bowl immediately. Keep it covered for several minutes, and don't be tempted to peek too early, or you'll release the steam. To keep yourself occupied, use this time to prep buns, toppings, and condiments. And if you need inspiration, you have a choice of cheese and toppings.

The best cheeses to melt on a burger

The most classic cheeseburger choices are American cheese or cheddar. American cheese is one of those foods that people seem to love or hate, but it has a reliable consistency and melts easily. Cheddar, on the other hand, has a sharp flavor and a slightly buttery texture, and although it takes longer to melt, it's worth the effort.

Monterey Jack pairs excellently with burgers and bears a resemblance to cheddar cheese in taste, texture, and melting capability. However, it's a bit milder — unless, of course, you opt for a flavored variety like Pepper Jack, which combines spicy chilis and sweet peppers. If you really want to feel the fire, go for ghost pepper Monterey Jack. Meanwhile, Swiss mushroom burgers have stood the test of time, so why not recreate Burger King's Shroom and Swiss Melt with roasted mushroom and a slice of Swiss cheese.

There are also a handful of underrated cheeses to put on your burger. Blue cheese is the star of black and blue burgers, and although it's crumbly, it melts well and has a deliciously pungent flavor. Gouda is mild, but if you opt for smoked Gouda, it gives burgers a grilled quality, even if cooked on a stovetop. Meanwhile, brie keeps people guessing and complements bacon and carmelized onions well.

Toppings to add to your perfectly melty cheeseburger

Once you've got the main components prepped, it's time to think about your toppings. If you feel less is more, don't be afraid to stick with meat, cheese, and a bun. You could consider adding a simple tomato slice and lettuce or ketchup and mayo. But again, there's nothing wrong with sticking to the basics, and there's something to be said for a burger so tidy you can eat it with one hand.

However, if you're the kind who likes to stack so many goodies your burger is toppling over, you'll get no judgment from us. But perhaps bring a few napkins or even a fork and knife so you're not wearing your burger by the end of your meal. Popular burger toppings include bacon, a fried egg, grilled mushrooms, and pickles. Fresh red onions add a zesty touch, while caramelized onions bring a slight sweetness. Avocado is fresh and creamy, and onion rings provide a satisfying crunch. For a spicy burger, toss on a few jalapeño slices and use Sriracha mayo. And if you wanna go the all-American route, just add relish. 

For less conventional burger toppings, try bacon jam, pineapple, or chimichurri. Or, if you love fermented foods, go for kimchi or pickled onions. Ultimately, there's no wrong way to dress up your burger. So keep it classic or go wild. Bon appetit!