Here's How Long You Have With That Cut Onion In Your Fridge

Potent and pungent, onions are a versatile and beloved vegetable when cooking. Just consider that there are a variety of onions, and each has an optimal use to ensure your recipes feature bold flavors. Because these vegetables play such a major role in cooking, many home chefs find themselves with a large volume of cut onions when preparing their favorite recipes. This leads to questions about just how long an onion will last once it's been cut.

If you're dealing with onions that have been diced or sliced into strips, you typically have up to ten days to use them. On the other hand, an onion that's been peeled but not cut may last as long as two weeks, depending on the storage conditions. You'll know that the onion has gone bad if it's soft to the touch, exhibits discoloration, or smells off. If you're not sure whether spoilage is an issue, it's best to discard the onion and start with a fresh vegetable to prevent your dishes from being ruined.

Proper storage is the key to cut onion longevity

There are lots of mistakes people make when storing onions, and these mistakes stop the vegetable from lasting as long as it usually would. For instance, uncut, unpeeled onions should be stored in paper bags (along with garlic). However, this tactic is not recommended for cut and diced onions, which require vastly different storage conditions to remain in good shape.

Cut onions must be stored in the refrigerator in a sealable bag or container. You can also store cut onions in the freezer if you want them to keep for longer. In this case, the vegetable can last as long as six months, at which point the onions may experience a decrease in quality. You can use a freezer-safe bag to store onions, but you may want to double up on the bags to prevent the appliance from taking on an onion-y odor. Remember that frozen onions can be incorporated directly into dishes while they're cooking for added convenience.

What to do with that leftover onion

Even when stored correctly, refrigerated onions won't last forever. That means you'll want to use the vegetable relatively quickly to avoid food waste and to impart great flavors into your dishes. If you're looking for a delicious snack for your next party or gathering, homemade onion dip is the perfect option. This appetizer is wonderfully versatile, as you can serve onion dip with veggies, pretzels, or potato chips. If you're seeking a fancier preparation, combine toasted baguette slices with caramelized onions and other ingredients for a play on classic bruschetta recipes.

Onions can also be paired with hearty ingredients to create a filling side dish to accompany dinner. Frying onions alongside potatoes is incredibly simple, but the results couldn't be tastier. Along with herbs like thyme and parsley, this preparation can be enhanced with spicy ingredients, such as hot pepper flakes. Surplus onions can also be used to make frittatas, casseroles, soups, and a variety of other recipes, which means you'll have options for meals all throughout the day.