Why Chinese Kale Is Such A Great Substitute For Broccoli

While there are many delicious broccoli recipes, there's only so much one can do with the vegetable before it starts to get boring. Broccoli, along with Brussels sprouts, is one of those iconic vegetables that kids love to hate. It's no surprise, considering that eating broccoli is mostly a textural experience and it lacks much innate flavor since it's mostly composed of water. Whether you're experiencing broccoli fatigue or struggling to get the kids to enjoy vegetables, consider replacing the ingredient with Chinese kale in your next recipe.

Also known as Chinese broccoli or gai lan, Chinese kale is a thick-stemmed leafy vegetable with small florets, looking like a cross between kale and broccoli. While the leafy nature of this vegetable may cause many to dismiss it as a broccoli substitute, the two have quite a lot in common upon closer inspection. They both have thick stalks and similar nutritional content, as well as containing a mix of bitter and sweet flavors. For a new spin on broccoli dishes with a leafy crunch, Chinese kale makes a great substitute.

What to keep in mind when substituting Chinese kale for broccoli

Chinese kale belongs to the species category brassica oleracea, to which broccoli, cauliflower, kale, and Brussels sprouts also belong. Given their genetic similarities, it's no surprise that Chinese kale makes for a great broccoli substitute. When making the vegetable replacement, remember that while the stem of Chinese kale cooks similarly to broccoli and has a crisp texture, the cooked leaves tend to be soft with a spinach-like taste. It's the perfect substitution for any recipe that would benefit from broccoli's crunch or bitterness but lacks a leafy component. It can even be blanched for a less bitter taste, similar to broccoli. While most name-brand grocery stores don't carry Chinese kale, it can be found in Asian marts and local Asian groceries.

Chinese kale isn't just a great substitute for broccoli. Broccolini, despite its common appearance in recipes today, is actually a hybrid of broccoli and Chinese kale and has only been around for 30 years. Broccolini's long crunchy stem is almost identical to the stem of Chinese kale and they both have a stronger flavor than broccoli. Additionally, Chinese kale makes a great replacement for rapini (broccoli rabe), which, similarly, has a slightly bitter taste, crunchy stem, and leafy head.

Ways to substitute Chinese kale for broccoli

Chinese kale, like broccoli, works with deeply savory pairings and is traditionally prepared with oyster sauce or Szechuan pepper. Additionally, it has a leafy similarity to bok choy that makes it great as a broccoli replacement in stir fries and broccoli beef. The vegetable can also be sliced up to use in broccoli slaw, keeping the crisp texture of broccoli but giving it a slight bok choy-esque umami flavor that normal broccoli lacks. It can also provide the usual broccoli crunch to broccoli salad while also adding a leafiness that was previously absent from the salad.

Plus, Chinese kale is a great substitute for broccoli on pizza, as leafy greens like spinach and kale tend to blend with the texture and medium of pizza better than florets, while still lending the crunchy char that broccoli pizza is known for. Its leafy nature also makes it great for soups, keeping the bitter firmness of broccoli without overwhelming each bite with a mouthful of florets. This vegetable substitute works great for broccoli pesto, as broccoli is devoid of the leaves that make classic basil in pesto such a great textural inclusion.