Mustard On Watermelon Is The Wacky Combo You Never Thought To Try

Watermelon is a versatile fruit that's often thought of as a sweet treat, especially in the warmer months. However, it also goes well with lots of savory preparations, such as in gazpacho or as a plant-based alternative to grilled steaks. A trend making the rounds on social media even purports that watermelon pairs beautifully with yellow mustard, a claim that admittedly has left some people scratching their heads.

As it turns out, the unlikely pairing originated with a TikToker who claimed to have discovered the odd combination while bored at lunch in middle school. This origin story doesn't inspire a whole lot of confidence, as children are prone to experimenting with odd snack combos, such as toast with peanut butter and cheese or fish sticks dunked in a milkshake. And while some unexpected food combinations are delicious, watermelon plus yellow mustard might not be everyone's jam. 

However, the combination of flavors does make sense when you drill down into the ingredients. Sweetness and tanginess are often considered complementary flavors and one might say that the mild sweetness offered by watermelon can be elevated by introducing tangy mustard into the mix. 

Why watermelon and mustard might work and why it might not

In the TikTok clip touting the watermelon and yellow mustard combo, the content creator is seen applying an alarming amount of the tangy condiment to the fruit slice before digging in. As one might imagine, commenters were perplexed, with multiple people likening the combo to a heinous crime or saying that it had them questioning their reasons for living. One person did say, "It is not good it is FANTASTIC."


🍉 + 💛 SOOO GOOD!! #watermelon #mustard #hotfoodtake

♬ original sound – Young Yuh 🍉

Of course, watermelon is sweet, but it also has mild bitter and sour notes. That's why the fruit works so well within savory preparations and these flavors could also explain why some adventurous snackers can't get enough of this pairing. Consider that yellow mustard features ingredients like distilled vinegar and mustard seed, which makes for a tangy flavor profile with just a bit of bite. But while on paper this specific melding of flavors works, your mileage may vary. 

As featured in another TikTok video inspired by the trend, the pairing was deemed "yuck" and "ew," with the taste tester ultimately declaring "I don't like it," between dry heaves.

How to make this uncommon pairing work for you

If you're intrigued by watermelon and mustard but don't think the pairing will play nice with your palate, there are lots of alternatives to consider. Some chef-approved flavor pairings that will upgrade your watermelon include adding the fruit to a poke bowl or combining it with hot peppers. In fact, watermelon and tajin are a bona fide hit for many people. Tajin is a spice blend hailing from Mexico that features powdered chili peppers, salt, and lime, which meshes perfectly with the subtle profile of juicy watermelon. As a highly versatile seasoning, it works best on top of a variety of food and drinks

But if you're dead set on trying watermelon with mustard, consider using another flavor of the condiment. Spicy brown mustard may be a better match because it has more of a bite (similar to tajin). If you really want to turn up the heat, Chinese hot mustard has an intense flavor sometimes compared to wasabi. There are even fermented fruit-based mustards that might better pair with the sweetness of watermelon when compared to yellow mustard varieties. 

While this combination might not be suited to every palate, this trend shows that experimenting with different flavor combos is always a worthwhile pursuit.