How To Perfectly Reheat Those Leftover Ribs In Your Air Fryer

Ribs are undeniably tasty, but they often leave you with quite a few leftovers after a summer barbecue. And while this meaty, fulfilling preparation can be enjoyed on subsequent days, certain reheating methods make for a tastier meal and better texture. If you have a trusty air fryer in your home, you can use it to quickly and easily reheat your ribs. Depending on the meatiness of the ribs and the type of device, you may be able to enjoy them in four minutes or less.

You want to do your best-ever barbecue ribs recipe justice when reheating, and air fryers are the perfect appliance for the job. Simply preheat the device to about 350 degrees Fahrenheit or so, deposit the ribs into the basket, and heat until the meat is uniformly warm. If you're concerned about the tender rib meat becoming dry, feel free to add a drizzle of oil to keep it moist. However, keep in mind that perfectly air-fried food requires less oil than one might think.

Tips for using an air fryer to reheat your ribs

There are some best practices to employ when using an air fryer to heat up ribs on subsequent days. If you're dealing with sizable portions of meat, it's recommended that you trim them down prior to adding them to the air fryer basket. Remember that air fryers cook food by dispersing hot air around it, and smaller pieces of meat are more likely to cook evenly than very large ones. Smaller servings of meat will also make it easier to arrange the ribs in a single layer within the device.

When it comes to saucy ribs, you'll need to add some kind of protective lining to the basket to stop the sauce from possibly dripping on the heating element. Parchment paper and aluminum foil are both acceptable as liners but avoid using one type of liner that will ruin your air fryer. You can also invest in a reusable silicone liner designed especially for these devices if you want to limit how much waste your kitchen generates.

How proper storage ensures a delicious (and safe) end result

In addition to choosing the best reheating method for ribs, how you store the delectable morsels of meat also impacts their quality. According to, cooked meat kept in a refrigerator set to 40 degrees Fahrenheit or below can last up to four days. As for freezing cooked meat, freezer temperatures should be 0 degrees Fahrenheit or lower to keep the ribs fresh and tasty for up to two months.

Proper packaging is another important consideration, especially when it comes to freezer storage. While freezer-burnt meat isn't linked to health risks, it can detract from the taste and texture of your ribs. Sealable freezer bags are a good option when freezing meat, and wrapping the meat in a layer of plastic or aluminum foil prior to placing it in bags is a good way to avoid freezer burn. With the right storage strategy, you can enjoy perfectly reheated ribs courtesy of your handy air fryer.