This Cottage Cheese Brand Is Our Favorite By Far

Cottage cheese is one of the more versatile dairy products, known for its unique creamy and tangy taste and high protein count. Whether eating it by the spoonful or in a recipe, cottage cheese is always a great pick, as long as you pick the right one. After ranking 11 different cottage cheese brands, Kalona SuperNatural whole milk cottage cheese is our top pick.

The 11 brands we taste-tested were chosen based on popularity and availability across grocery stores. The criteria for ranking included the food's texture, taste, aroma, price, nutritional benefits, and quality in general. Kalona SuperNatural cottage cheese whole milk was chosen as our favorite due to its premium brand status, inclusion of gut-healthy probiotics, and its extra layer of cream that makes it rich and luscious in all the right ways. As it turns out, Kalona SuperNatural is not just our favorite, but a customer favorite as well.

Kalona SuperNatural is our cottage cheese pick

Kalona SuperNatural cottage cheese is made from milk from over 60 family-owned cow farms across the Midwest, giving it that special homey touch. All cows on these farms are organically grass-fed, and their dairy products are known for being neither homogenized nor over-pasteurized. What this means is that this whole milk cottage cheese is extra creamy with no added preservatives. It has a light taste to go with its natural thickness. The smaller curd size is another feature of Kalona SuperNatural cottage cheese that makes it easier to enjoy. A spoonful of Kalona cottage cheese will coat tongue so you can savor the tang of the cream and added Celtic sea salt, and forget about awkward, non-flavorful bites into large curds.

Customers have high praise for this brand, as emphasized by the 36 five-star reviews of the cottage cheese on the company website. They consistently call it "the best cottage cheese" or the one that tastes the best. One customer specifically highlights the "amazing fresh taste with the right acidity and crispiness," and another says their grandchild refers to the creamy product as "marshmallow cheese."

Making the most of Kalona SuperNatural cottage cheese

Given its premium status as an organic farm-raised brand, Kalona SuperNatural can be a bit harder to find in a general grocery store if you're outside the Midwest. Fortunately, the Kalona SuperNatural website has a store locator that will map you to stores in your area that carry their products! Your best bet is an organic market or smaller niche store, so keep your eyes peeled for the Kalona labels.

Note that our top pick was the Kalona SuperNatural whole milk cottage cheese — whose whole milk is a large contributor to the richness of the cottage cheese — but it makes a low fat version as well. This product comes highly rated and is an excellent alternative for those who are interested in something with a lower fat content.

Finally, customers themselves rave at how excellent Kalona cottage cheese is when eaten plain in a bowl, but their reviews offer other suggestions too. One customer claims her favorite way to eat it is spread on toasted sourdough bread with "raw honey and sea salt flakes on top." Others recommend eating it with fruit, or even "tomatoes with Italian dressing." You can also use cottage cheese as a secret ingredient, like for a high protein mac and cheese. There are so many ways to use cottage cheese, and it's clear that Kalona SuperNatural is a great way to explore them.