The Important Question To Ask The Costco Manager About Sales Items

Buying items in bulk at Costco can boost household convenience, as you'll never need to worry about running out of a home staple when you have an ample supply. However, members of the warehouse retail chain can also take advantage of Costco shopping tips and tricks to score big deals, such as paying close attention to price tags. It's somewhat well-known among Costco fans that any price tag ending with .97 indicates that a product is on sale. However, there's an easy way to determine just how much you'll save.

Upon seeing a sale item, find a store manager to discuss the original price. While other retailers commonly include the original price on sale tags, Costco opts out of this practice. Accordingly, you must consult with a manager to find out how much the item cost before it went on sale, which can help you decide whether the purchase is worthwhile. Every shopper loves a deep discount, especially on essential groceries. Also, consider that many sale items marked with .97 at Costco might not be around forever.

Mark-downs help Costco move stock

While appreciated by members, Costco's decision to mark down certain items isn't a fully altruistic endeavor. In many instances, it's the chain's way of eliminating products that have not met sales expectations. By reducing prices, the store hopes that customers will scoop up sale items to make way for new, hopefully more popular products. And savvy shoppers are encouraged to visit Costco's so-called center court if they want to find the deepest discounts in the store.

Along with indicating a discount, .97 on Costco price tags may also signal that a product will no longer be available in the store once the current stock has been depleted. In this case, a manager can shed light on how much of a given product is left in stock. Customers can also evaluate the date code on the tag, which is usually situated in the lower right-hand corner. It's possible that the item will be discounted further if the listed date is several weeks old.

Costco price tags communicate lots of helpful information

The informative .97 on Costco price tags isn't the only indication of a sale. Anything marked with .88 signals that a manager has elected to reduce the price of a product, often for a very specific reason. While sometimes indicating a clearance item, .88 can mean that a product has been purchased and returned or is damaged in some way. It can also mean that the item was used to advertise the product on the Costco floor, which can cause wear and tear that wouldn't be an issue if the item was packed and stored in the back room.

Eagle-eyed Costco members may have noticed that some tags feature an asterisk. This curious marking offers a clear indication that an item will no longer be stocked at the store (sometimes on a seasonal basis and sometimes indefinitely). And if you've ever been curious about what those green tags at Costco really mean, these colorful price tags often denote an organic product. Because pricing practices can vary from location to location, it's best to track down a manager when in doubt, as Costco staff members can provide professional insight to help you get the most out of your shopping experience.