The Discontinued Costco Cake We're Desperate To Have Back

Among the many perks of being a Costco member, the store's impressive bakery selection ranks pretty high. This warehouse retail chain is known for its assortment of substantially-sized baked goods, including the massive all-American chocolate cake that captivated the hearts and bellies of shoppers. The cake consisted of multiple layers and had enough chocolate to satisfy a small army. As stated in a Reddit thread, this cake "was four layers, weighed 7 pounds, and could put you in a chocolate coma."

Costco has not officially commented on why it chose to eliminate the cake from the bakery lineup, but the timing of its disappearance does provide some clues. Because the cake was discontinued in 2020, it's possible that the pandemic had something to do with its demise. This is similar to the discontinuation of a beloved Costco food court sandwich, which may have been axed in an effort to streamline the food court menu in the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak.

The difference between the original cake and the new mini version

Costco created a mini version of its full-sized all-American cake, which was first only available on a seasonal basis. And while Costco's all-American mini cakes have made a triumphant return since their introduction, there is one crucial difference that shoppers should keep in mind. When the Costco Aisles account on Instagram featured the mini cakes, followers expressed delight at the notion of all that chocolatey goodness. However, a commenter clarified that size is not the only difference between these cakes and the original version. The shopper explained, "No fun [mousse] center, just choc cake. Still yummy tho."

While a mousse-filled chocolate cake is the stuff dreams are made of, it's understandable why Costco would opt to not include it in the mini cake recipe. Just consider what a commenter on Reddit said about the discontinued full-size chocolate cake. The person suggested that the complexity and cost involved in making the cake was a possible reason why it's no longer available, and perhaps Costco wanted to make things easier for bakery staff when developing the new smaller version.

There's no indication the all-American chocolate cake will return

Thanks to the popularity of the mini chocolate cakes, shoppers holding out hope that Costco will bring back the original all-American chocolate cake are bound to be disappointed. In fact, there's a chance that the mini cakes may only be around for a short while, especially when you consider they were initially introduced as a limited-time item.

Keep in mind that Costco likes to change its inventory to ensure that shoppers have plenty of new items to entice them, and this strategy could also extend to the chain's selection of baked goods. Daily Meal reached out to Costco to get some insight on whether the full-sized cake will return. According to the representative, that information is not readily available. However, they encourage members to submit feedback to Costco corporate regarding products. While there's no guarantee that Costco brass will heed the cries of chocolate-loving shoppers, it's definitely worth the effort for those who still lament the loss of the all-American chocolate cake.