Here's How Long Boxed Wine Typically Lasts

While boxed wine has gotten a bad reputation in the past, these days it's considered a convenient, quality alternative to the bottled variety. However, there is a key distinction to be made between the two packaging options, namely longevity. An unopened bottle of vino can last years when stored in the proper conditions. With boxed wine, you generally have up to eight months before the alcohol begins to lose quality and potentially goes bad. 

The boxed version will feature a best-by or use-by stamp somewhere on the packaging and this stamp is a good indicator of how long you have to enjoy it. The name is actually a bit of a misnomer, as these boxes feature a plastic bag inside where the wine is kept. This bag is crucial for keeping the alcohol fresh and flavorful, but it also allows air to seep in. That's because plastic is more air-permeable than glass, which explains the extended life of unopened bottles. But once the boxed wine has been tapped, it has a key advantage over the bottled version when it comes to lifespan. 

How long does boxed wine last after you open it?

With bottles of wine, the clock starts ticking as soon as you pop the cork. You typically have about three days with white wine and five days with red wine after opening, provided that bottles are stored in an area protected against heat and moisture. With boxed varieties, oxygen exposure is far more limited after opening, despite the relatively minor amount of air that can seep through the bag. Accordingly, boxed wine may last as long as six weeks once the bag has been tapped. 

It's all about the ingenious bag-in-box design. The plastic bag does a good job of protecting the alcohol because it caves in every time you get a glass. Additionally, it maintains a tighter seal than a cork in an opened bottle, even if you invest in a fancy wine balloon from "Shark Tank" or some other tool designed to keep bottled varieties fresher for longer. However, storage conditions also matter with boxed wine, particularly if you want to enjoy every last drop without sacrificing a bit of quality. 

Best practices for storing boxed wine

When storing opened boxed wine, you can limit air exposure by placing it in a refrigerator. However, boxed versions can also be stored outside of the refrigerator at room temperature without issue, provided it's kept within the correct temperature range. In general, red wine fares best in temps ranging from 50 to 60 degrees Fahrenheit, while white wine should be kept in areas ranging from 40 to 50 degrees Fahrenheit. 

As for freezing opened boxed varieties to get even more out of them, it's doable but it can also lead to some major quality issues. Upon thawing, you'll likely notice that the alcohol just doesn't taste the same. In some cases, you may even detect bitter, unpalatable notes. Freezing can also degrade its appearance, as it may look cloudy and generally unappealing. While there's definitely an art when chilling wine, which can elevate the flavors, freezing is likely to ruin your box well before it typically loses its quality.