Tofu Works Absolute Wonders For A Vegan Egg Salad

When you need a quick lunch (or heck, even just a tasty snack), egg salad is an easy go-to. In under 30 minutes, you can make a delicious spread that's perfect for piling onto sandwiches, scooping onto leafy salads, or enjoying with crackers.

If you're vegan, however, this simple dish is most likely off the menu. If you're missing its simplicity and tasty flavors, though, you can actually make an eggless egg salad that's still perfect for loading into sandwiches or eating any other way you like. All you need is tofu. 

Like chopped hard-boiled eggs, tofu also has a smooth-yet-chunky texture and packs in the protein, too. Plus, tofu "egg" salad is actually even easier to make since you don't have to boil or cook the tofu like you would eggs. Pair it with a creamy vegan mayo, some mustard, and any other seasonings, such as fresh herbs, and you've got a delicious vegan copycat meal! 

Choose and prep your tofu

When making this vegan spin on a classic sandwich filling, one thing to pay attention to is the type of tofu you choose. You'll want to opt for a relatively firm tofu for the job. Medium may have the most egg-like consistency, while super firm may be a bit too hearty. However, you can play around with different levels of solidity and see which you prefer.

Once you've selected your tofu, you'll need to press it with a clean towel and something heavy in order to pull out any excess moisture in the ingredient — especially if it was packed in water. If you skip this step, you'll likely wind up with a runny tofu egg salad.

From there, it's time to chop or crumble your tofu into bite-sized pieces. This way, you wind up with chunks of protein distributed throughout your salad, just like the chopped egg white in the non-vegan version. Just make sure not to chop the tofu too small so you still get that egg-like consistency, as opposed to something that more closely resembles scrambled eggs.

Get the flavor and color of your vegan egg salad just right

When making vegan egg salad, you'll likely notice that without the egg yolks, it doesn't take on the same bright yellow color that the standard version does. To get around this, you can add roughly ¼ teaspoon of turmeric to the mixture. The natural pigments in the seasoning help brighten up the dressing while also adding some earthy notes to your meal. You could instead use a bit of curry powder as a stronger-tasting, but still bright yellow, alternative to turmeric.

Beyond the color, tofu also differs from eggs in taste. While eggs are rich and savory, tofu tends to be fairly bland. To ensure your egg salad doesn't wind up lacking flavor, you can add a few additional ingredients. One choice is to mix in nutritional yeast to bring out that savory taste. Or, add a slight tang by stirring in capers, pickle brine, or a bit of vinegar. Black salt is another mix-in to enhance your meal, adding a sulfur-like flavor similar to that of eggs. With these tips, you'll wind up with a vegan meal that looks, tastes, and feels like the real thing.