15 Percent Of Americans On Food Stamps And More News
The Daily Meal brings you the biggest news in the food world.
More Americans on Food Stamps: While the unemployment rate has gone down, the Labor Department announced that about 15 percent of Americans, or 22.4 million households, are in the SNAP program. Oh, snap. [CNBC]
Book of Mormon Menu Hits Los Angeles: In honor of the musical's arrival in Los Angeles, Wood & Vine is launching a theater prix fixe menu, complete with a Respect Your Elder-flower cocktail and a Latter-Day Night Fever cocktail. [LA Times]
McDonald's May Sell Exclusive Music Abroad: Pakistani rock band JoSH has struck a deal with McDonald's for their album to be sold exclusively to McDonald's in Pakistan, where every super-sized grand chicken burger order comes with a copy of their new album. Walmart and Target missed out. [Forbes]
Potty-Training in Restaurants: People might have varying opinions on breast-feeding in public, but potty-training in public (especially in a restaurant) is probably universally regarded as disgusting. [Huff Po]
OpenTable Meets 15 Million Reviews: The restaurant reservation website hit 15 million user-generated reviews this week. [PR Newswire]