The Wine Glass Hack For An Easy DIY Chip And Dip Bowl

Remember those fun plates from the 1990s that had a hole carved out in the center, made to hold chips and dip? While they're certainly practical, they aren't so easy to store. And if you don't have a ton of kitchen space, you probably don't want to buy one. Thankfully, you can easily create a DIY version of this fun potato chip bowl using nothing more than a standard platter and a wine glass. Simply place the wine glass in the center of the platter, and fill it with the dip of your choice. Then, nicely arrange the chips around the glass to create a surprisingly show-stopping centerpiece that will have everyone complimenting your easy snack hack.

Of course, any glass will do, but a wine glass just screams elegance, no? Plus, with its stem, the dip stands out among the rest of the chips. But there are a few pointers to getting the most out of this setup, including making sure people don't have to stick their hands down to the bottom of the glass just to get that last scoop of dip.

Use a wine glass to improve the presentation of your dip

When bringing this hack to life, consider the size of the wine glass. It should be large enough to hold a good amount of dip and for people to comfortably scoop that dip out. Since wine glasses tend to be pretty deep, add a decorative spoon to avoid guests having to stick their whole hand into the glass just to reach the bottom. A long, narrow spoon ensures grimy hands stay out of the glass (sorry, but we don't know where those hands have been).

If there could be kids around the chip plate, maybe opt for a stemless wine glass over one with a stem. While the dip won't stand out quite as much, you run a lower risk of anyone knocking the glass over. And if you have a plastic glass, it's the safer option to ensure nothing gets broken — plus, when it's filled with dip, no one will even notice it's plastic. To keep things even safer, place the wine glass in the center of a bowl rather than on a platter; this will make it even less likely to be knocked over.

How to make chips and dip the star of the show

While this combination is a longtime staple at parties, it's often overlooked as the easiest snack to put together. If you have the extra time, preparing homemade chips will take this standard appetizer to a new level. You can control the chips' thickness by slicing the potatoes yourself, and you get to choose how they're seasoned. A thicker chip means less breakage, which is exactly what you need.

When you use bagged chips, you're limited to thin dips, because the chips can't handle anything too hearty without breaking. But with the thicker chips, you can replace that store-bought onion dip with a homemade dip that has a little more fullness and flavor to it. Try a classic buffalo chicken dip with shredded chicken, a crab dip with lump crab meat and cream cheese, or go for a homemade spinach and artichoke dip with plenty of cheese.