Tomato Jam Is A Must-Try Ingredient For Unbeatable Chocolate Ice Cream

It's true that you can pop into any store for a carton of chocolate ice cream, but making ice cream at home is much easier than you might think. Going the homemade route also allows you to incorporate ingredients into the mix that you might not find in store-bought brands, such as tomato jam. While it might seem like an out-of-the-box, potentially eyebrow-raising combination, tomato jam brings out the rich, multifaceted flavors in chocolate in a way that other ingredients can't. Keep in mind that tomato jam should be fully mixed into the chocolate ice cream, as opposed to simply topping it, to ensure the flavors blend nicely

This flavor combination works so well because both foods have similar aromatic notes thanks to linalool, an organic compound occurring in a variety of plants. Linalool is found in chocolate, which comes across as hints of floral or tea. The compound is also evident in tomatoes and establishes flavor notes akin to chocolate. Tomato jam is frequently used in savory preparations, including as a sandwich spread, but its versatility means that it works just as well in sweet dishes. Tomato jam also pairs beautifully with lots of seasonings and spices, so you can tweak the recipe to perfectly suit your homemade chocolate ice cream.

An unlikely pairing bursting with unique flavors

Chocolate is a versatile food, which means you can easily combine it with less common ingredients and wind up with a stunning result. While it's most often associated with desserts, such as cookies, cakes, and candy, it's also a common accompaniment to many savory dishes. Just consider mole sauce, a traditional Mexican preparation that's typically paired with tacos and enchiladas. Mole recipes frequently feature cinnamon, among other spices, and cinnamon also works beautifully within tomato jam, along with cloves and brown sugar. 

As for other seasoning additions, you have lots of options with tomato jam. If you want something with a subtle amount of heat, incorporating ginger into the jam is a great option. For more of a kick, use cayenne pepper in the recipe, but be careful about going overboard to avoid a too intense flavor. Some jams even include extra sugar to amplify the sweetness. Along with selecting the perfect seasonings, you'll also need to carefully choose tomatoes for a robust and delicious jam.

Tips on choosing the best tomatoes for jam

Homemade tomato preserves are intensely flavorful, and making your own jam allows you to tweak the recipe to your specific tastes when it comes to spices. The first step is to choose the best tomatoes for jam, meaning those with meatier flesh, a lower concentration of water, and a smaller number of seeds. It's also important for the tomatoes you choose to be fully ripe, as ripeness ensures a flavorful result for your preserves.

As for which type of tomatoes work best in jams, you can't go wrong with Roma or plum tomatoes. This variety has a high concentration of sugar, which means they impart a pleasantly sweet flavor into dishes. If you want your jam to have a little bite to contrast the sweetness of the chocolate ice cream, consider using Amish paste tomatoes, which are known for their tangy yet sweet flavor profile. If you want something closer to a traditional jam in terms of sweetness, yellow tomatoes are the perfect option, as they have a less potent tomato flavor. No matter which variety you choose, you're sure to enjoy the unique combination of rich chocolate ice cream and tangy tomato jam.