Can You Freeze Liquid Coffee Creamer?

Having liquid coffee creamer on hand is a great way to cut down on prep time for your morning cup of joe. Rather than mixing in milk, sugar, and flavorings separately, the creamer combines all three into one convenient liquid that you can pour right into your freshly brewed cup of coffee.

When your bottle is rapidly approaching the expiration date, however, you may want to take measures to preserve it. Fortunately, coffee creamer can be frozen. Once frozen, the creamer will stay good for around four to six months, so be sure to note the date of freezing when you're ready to store it.

Although freezing the creamer can help prolong the amount of time it can be used, you should still pay attention to freshness, especially after the expiration date. If you have any doubts about the quality of the creamer, there are a few ways to test it to see if it's gone bad. The most obvious will be the smell. You can also give the creamer a little taste test before pouring it into your coffee. If the creamer tastes or smells rotten, or if mold is visible in the liquid, the entire batch should be disposed of.

If you opt to freeze the coffee creamer, you can stock up and keep your favorite seasonal-flavored coffee creamer around a little longer. Or, you can use this method to prevent a bulk-sized carton from going bad too soon.

How to freeze the contents of the container

There are a few different ways to freeze coffee creamer. Of course, if you want to preserve the entire bottle, you can simply pour the liquid into a container to store in the freezer — you just may not want to keep the creamer in the bottle it comes in from the store. Many brands, like Coffee Mate's wide range of flavors, are sold in plastic containers. When liquid freezes, it expands, and it could crack or break the creamer container.

Instead, grab a freezer-safe plastic bag. Freezer bags are a little thicker than standard plastic resealable bags, but are more flexible than rigid plastic containers. Open the sealed coffee creamer, pour the coffee creamer into the bag, seal it tightly, and place it in the freezer. Then, when you're ready to use the liquid, allow the entire bag to defrost in the refrigerator.

If you'd prefer to use single portions of creamer at a time, there are ways divide the container prior to freezing. Depending on how much creamer you generally use in your mug, you should grab either an ice cube tray or small plastic bags.

Freeze individual portions

If you only use a little bit of creamer at a time to provide a hint of flavoring to your coffee, you may get the most use out of your ice cube tray. Once the tray is emptied and washed, you can pour the creamer into the divots. When you're ready to use, pop one out and allow it to defrost in a small container in the fridge overnight. When you brew up a mug of coffee in the morning, the creamer will be ready to add. You can even add some coffee ice cubes to prevent the flavor from being watered down.

If you prefer to add even more creamer to your coffee, however, you may want to separate the carton into larger portions. You can take small resealable bags, measure out your desired portion size, and freeze each one individually. Then, you can simply defrost one bag, and pour the entire contents into your cup in the morning.

If you find yourself with more creamer than you can use in your coffee, there are a few other ways you can use it. You can whip up a batch of homemade ice cream — which still employs the use of the freezer. Coffee creamer can even be used to make a few different dessert dips, depending on the flavoring, or baked in a plethora of treats.