It's About Time You Add Scrambled Eggs To Your Grilled Cheese

Wait a minute, isn't a grilled cheese with scrambled eggs just a breakfast sandwich? That is one way to look at it, but there are a few reasons why this suggestion still counts as a grilled cheese. For one, the egg-to-cheese ratio should be heavy on the cheese. So unlike a breakfast sandwich, you're going to want to use more than just one or two slices. You want plenty of melted, gooey cheese, after all. Second, instead of using just plain old toasted bread, it should still be grilled just like with a regular grilled cheese.

In this version of grilled cheese, the fluffy scrambled eggs will add a soft, pillowy texture and savory flavor that will make the sandwich unbeatable. The creaminess of the eggs will also complement the cheese perfectly, creating a delicate layer of protein to offset the sharper flavor of the cheese.  By including this unexpected extra texture and flavor, the usual grilled cheese sandwich will feel amplified, even gourmet. You may even feel inspired to experiment with other added ingredients while you're at it.

The key is in layering the cheese

When making a grilled cheese sandwich with scrambled eggs, be sure to include cheese on both the top and the bottom so it melts to both slices of bread and envelops the eggs in a warm, gooey embrace. This will help hold the scrambled eggs in — essentially acting like a cheesy glue. That way you don't have to worry about bits and pieces falling out all over the place. It won't take much for creamy scrambled eggs to transform the texture and taste of your usual grilled cheese either. Just a single egg will do, but feel free to double up if you want it extra eggy.

If you're including any other ingredients aside from scrambled eggs to the sandwich, it's a good idea to add a slice of cheese on either side of each new tasty component. Not only will doing so maintain the integrity of the grilled cheese category, but it will help hold everything else in place. This could result in a whole lot of cheese, but that's kind of the point, right? Just be sure to grill the bread until it has a beautiful golden color and the cheese has melted through. Since the eggs will cook a little during this process it can be a good idea for them to be a little watery when you assemble the sandwich so that they don't get overcooked.

Other ingredients worth adding

Although purists might disagree, you can add all sorts of different ingredients to a grilled cheese sandwich and still have it count as such. You can even add other elements of a breakfast sandwich without it losing its right to the grilled cheese label, as long as the main components are still lots of cheese melted on grilled bread. So go ahead and throw in a slice of ham or a couple of pieces of bacon. While you're at it, why not add some avocado too?

Don't be afraid to spruce up those scrambled eggs with veggies and meat for the ultimate eggy grilled cheese. Include diced onions, tomatoes, mushrooms, ham, bits of bacon, and, of course, plenty of shredded cheese together with the raw eggs then scramble them up — you won't regret it! Even if you don't want to add any breakfast meat or vegetables, consider tossing some shredded cheese in while scrambling those eggs. After all, the more cheese you can stuff in this sandwich the better!

While you're at it, be sure to use more than just one kind of cheese. As great as cheddar is, a selection of cheeses is always ideal when it comes to a truly delectable grilled cheese sandwich. And of course, give yourself bonus points for each extra variety of cheese you include. Together with those scrambled eggs, you're guaranteed a melt-in-your-mouth dining experience whether it's breakfast, lunch, or dinner.