The Crushed Beer Can Hack For A Less Messy Taco Night

If taco nights are a mainstay in your household, you know first-hand how messy the eating experience can often be. It's not always easy keeping the taco shell upright between bites, which can cause you to lose some of the tasty fillings to gravity. Fortunately, there's an ingenious hack you can employ with an object that you probably have in your refrigerator right now. Simply take an empty beer or soda can and crush it so there's a divot in the center. Now you have the perfect contraption to hold your taco, thereby sparing you a mess. It's a method championed by comedian Jeff Foxworthy, who posted about the clever culinary solution on Facebook.

Metal taco holders are definitely a thing, and many are reasonably priced. However, aluminum cans are ideal for holding individual tacos, and you won't need to worry about running out when you have friends or family over for dinner. There are also other neat tricks using your crushed can taco holders to keep your next Taco Tuesday free of messes.

Building a better (and more stable) taco

Since an aluminum can will keep your taco steady and upright when it's at rest, you can also use it to help buildi your taco. But even if you use the can for stability, your taco night experience can still get a little messy while you're eating. The problem may be the order in which you're adding fillings to the taco, so a more practiced approach might spare you some embarrassment while also keeping your clothing stain-free. Aim for maximum stability by adding shredded cheese to the shell first, then applying just enough heat to melt the cheese. This step serves two important purposes. First, the melted cheese will hold the other ingredients to prevent them from slipping out, and second, it will keep the shell intact while you eat.

Your choice of protein comes next, whether that's beef, chicken, or tofu, if you adhere to a plant-based diet. Protein is followed by sour cream or guacamole, as these heavy condiments will keep vegetables like lettuce and tomatoes in place. When it comes to hot sauce or salsa, consider dipping the taco as opposed to adding the sauce directly to it. Now that you've built a better taco, the next step is to perfect your technique.

Tips on eating tacos like a seasoned professional

Eating a taco is not necessarily hard, but it definitely takes a bit of flair and finesse. First and foremost, avoid tilting the taco, which can cause the fillings to fall out. Instead, keep the taco upright and tilt your head to the side when taking a bite. And because there are no guarantees in life, make sure the plate is positioned under the taco to catch any fillings that inadvertently break free from the shell.

If you want to feel like a real taco genius and avoid missing even one delicious morsel, consider placing an additional tortilla on the plate as you eat. This trick helps you catch any wayward fillings that may fall out and allows you to score a bonus taco. Once you're finished with the first taco, you can add extra condiments and fillings to the bonus one for a truly satisfying and tasty meal. And even better, you can indulge in your love of tacos with minimal mess.