The Cooking Hack That Totally Upgrades Basic Guacamole

Guacamole is a super simple and delicious way to add a burst of flavor to your tacos, quesadillas, salads, and more. Whipping up a batch is quick and easy — whether you just want a dip for some tortilla chips or the ultimate sauce for a Mexican-style feast. But since when is there cooking involved? True, it's a little unexpected, but this unusual preparation is worth a try. So fire up the grill, because a little time over the charcoal (or gas if you prefer) will give those avocados the ultimate smoky flavor.

What if you want your grilled guacamole to be extra smoky? After all, you might as well go big or go home as the saying goes. In that case, don't be afraid to toss the tomato, onion, garlic, and jalapeño on there as well — before you dice them up of course. Most importantly, be sure to include the lime on the grill too. Heating citrus makes it easier to squeeze the juice out, meaning you'll get more out of those limes — and they'll also be sweeter.

Elevated flavors with grilled guacamole

Naturally, you're going to want to cut the avocados in half and remove the seeds before you put them on the grill. A little side note — if you've been using the knife to take the seeds out, save yourself the accident waiting to happen and just give it a little push from the skin side. The seed will pop right out without the mess or the danger. Next, simply place the avocados flesh side down and let the flames do their job. They'll be done in a matter of minutes.

As for the garlic, you can either wrap a few cloves in foil so they don't fall through the grates, or you can just grill up the entire clove. You won't need a whole clove, of course, but you can always save whatever doesn't get used in the smoky guacamole for another recipe — although grilled garlic cloves are so smooth and tasty you might find that you've snacked on them all before they get a chance to go in another dish. Never mind the garlic breath, they're totally worth it.

Not only will grilling the avocado give your guacamole a way creamier texture, but doing the same with the garlic and onion will cause a bit of caramelization. That sweetness will help transform the dip into a whole new experience. Overall, the flavor profile that's achieved from cooking your guacamole ingredients will be beyond elevated.

More uses for grilled avocado

Once you've tried grilling avocado for an upgraded guacamole experience, there's no way you're going to want to stop there. You might even want to throw a few extra on to garnish your entree. Slices of creamy grilled avocado will go beautifully on top of enchiladas, tostadas, and even taco salads. Alternatively, use them as bowls for fresh ceviche or pair them with other grilled meats and veggies.

There's no reason to limit this delicious discovery to Mexican food either. Try sliced grilled avocado on your burgers too. If you're super daring you might even like them on pizza. And they'll definitely add the perfect smoky, creamy layer to any BLT — just make it a BLTA instead. Or eat them straight out of the skins with a spoon. A dash of salt and a squeeze of lime juice is all they'll need to make the perfect little appetizer. Honestly, it's hard to imagine going wrong no matter how you enjoy grilled avocado.