Give Your Fall Party Some DIY Flair With A Caramel Apple Bar

If you're looking for a fun and creative way to serve dessert at your next autumn-themed party, you'll be hard-pressed to find anything more ideal than a caramel apple bar. Caramel apples are synonymous with the fall season; maybe it's our collective associated nostalgia for county fairs and pumpkin patches ... or maybe it's just the sugar. Caramel apples are incredibly versatile, and setting up a caramel apple dessert bar station is an optimal choice, sure to satisfy every guest at your seasonal soirée.

A caramel apple bar invites your guests to get creative and make their favorite version of this classic treat. There's something inherently autumnal about D.I.Y. crafts, and making your own delicious snack is a simple and fun way for party-goers to get crafty while they treat themselves. With a few simple steps — and as many ingredients as you desire — you can create a fun, engaging, and delicious experience your guests will love.

Safety first

The most important part of a caramel apple bar is food safety and a proper set-up: Some people may already know that traditional caramel apples are potentially ripe for listeria growth (as published in mBio), so take every precaution for proper food handling and ensure you and your guests are safe while enjoying your caramel apple bar. Make sure to thoroughly wash the apples before slicing, and don't slice them too soon: Ideally, slice them up no earlier than a couple of hours before serving, and refrigerate the slices in an airtight container until they go to the bar. To avoid your sliced apples browning, you can spritz them with a little lemon juice. Alternatively, consider soaking the slices in salt water for five to 10 minutes to preserve and help stave off bacteria.

Dipping sauces will need to be kept warm — not only for ease of dipping but also to regulate a safe temperature, discouraging harmful bacteria. If possible, keep the sauces in small mason jars steeped in a warm crockpot water bath. Simply fill the crockpot halfway with water and keep it on high to ensure the dipping sauces stay warm, easy to dip, and safe for all. If you don't have a crockpot, a large stockpot on a hot plate will accomplish the same goal.

Give your guests plenty of options

The best part of setting up a caramel apple bar is deciding which toppings you're going to serve. When the time comes to choose toppings, let the dipping sauces be your guide: If you're offering more than just caramel (like chocolate or marshmallow fluff, for example), consider topping combinations that are reminiscent of Halloween candy. Additionally, offer guests a menu of combinations and display it at the bar so they're inspired to create a caramel apple in the style of their favorite candy bar: coconut shavings, slivered almonds, and chocolate for an Almond Joy apple; or caramel, pecans, and chocolate for a Turtle-flavored apple.

If you're hosting a more grown-up party, you can turn the dipping sauces into boozy treats. Try a little bourbon in the caramel sauce, or get crazy and add vanilla-flavored vodka to the marshmallow fluff. Just be sure to let guests know that the sauces are spiked — only treats, no tricks, at the caramel apple bar.