6 Of The Best Store-Bought Frozen Pierogies, Ranked

Some of you don't have a babcia, and it shows ... because you're buying store-bought pierogies. But hey — no judgment here. In today's fast-paced world, not everyone has the time, expertise, or grandmother nearby to handcraft these Eastern European wonders from scratch. That's where the convenience of store-bought frozen pierogies comes to the rescue. They offer a quick and easy shortcut to enjoying these beloved dumplings whenever you please.

Few dishes can stir the soul quite like a perfectly crafted pierogi. These delectable pockets of dough, lovingly stuffed with various fillings, are a testament to comfort food's ability to transcend cultural boundaries. For these reasons, we've scoured the supermarket aisles, sampled an array of brands, and meticulously ranked the top contenders. After tasting those with classic potato and cheese fillings to more adventurous options, we're about to unveil the crème de la crème of frozen pierogies. Read on to discover the six best store-bought frozen pierogies that truly deserve a place in your freezer and your heart.

6. Severino potato and cheese pierogies

Severino potato and cheese pierogies have found themselves at the tail end of our ranking, and it's not without reason. In a world where the competition for the finest frozen pierogies is fierce, Severino's offering leaves much to be desired. The overwhelming onion presence in these potato and cheese pierogies is what pushed them to last place. While onions can undoubtedly complement the overall flavor profile, Severino's rendition crosses the line into overly pungent, overshadowing the other elements of the dumplings.

Regarding texture, the potato component can best be described as okay. It doesn't shine with the creamy, flavorful consistency that you'd hope for in a quality potato and cheese option. Moreover, the cheese, which should be a star in this classic combination, feels like an afterthought. Its presence is disappointingly subtle and fails to contribute that delightful cheesy richness that's expected from a top-tier pierogi. While the quantity of filling in Severino's pierogies is commendable, the dough itself falls short. It lacks the flavor and texture necessary to make the overall culinary experience truly enjoyable. It's a bland backdrop that doesn't elevate the filling as it should.

Overall, Severino's potato and cheese pierogies fall short of expectations. They are not bad, per se, but you won't find any balance with this option. These were meh on all levels.

5. Bremer potato and cheddar pierogies

Bremer potato and cheddar cheese pierogies take the fifth spot on our list, offering a mixed bag of pros and cons. As an Aldi product, this brand brings a budget-friendly option to the frozen pierogi market, but are these pierogi pockets worth your taste buds' investment?

One of the immediate drawbacks of these pierogies is the lack of a pronounced cheese flavor. The cheddar presence in the filling is disappointingly subtle, leaving the primary flavors dominated by potato and salt. While the potato is a key component in this classic combination, the absence of a more robust cheese essence diminishes the overall experience. On the upside, these pierogies boast a commendable feature — a generous quantity of filling. This is where they begin to redeem themselves. The satisfying amount of filling creates a hearty and substantial bite, offering a more satisfying mouthfeel and overall experience. Additionally, Bremer pierogies strike a better balance between the dough and filling, ensuring that neither element overshadows the other. The dough provides a suitable canvas for the delicious potato, helping to maintain a harmonious textural equilibrium.

Bremer provides a wallet-friendly option for those seeking a quick and easy pierogi fix. While it falters in delivering a strong cheese presence, it shines in its generous filling and balanced dough-to-filling ratio. But with better options out there, we probably wouldn't eat these ones again.

4. Poppy's Polish style potato and cheddar cheese pierogies

Poppy's Polish style pierogies, featuring the classic potato and cheddar cheese combination, occupy the fourth position on our list. While these pierogies evoke a sense of tradition and nostalgia, they come with their own set of strengths and weaknesses.

Taste-wise, Poppy's manages to capture the essence of traditional pierogies. The filling, comprised of soft, well-mashed potato with subtle hints of cheese, exudes a comforting familiarity. The flavor profile, in this respect, does justice to the expectations of those who crave a homemade pierogi. However, the most significant drawback lies in the ratio of dough to filling. These pierogies lean heavily on the dough side, leaving the filling somewhat lacking. While the potato and cheese mixture that is present is delightful, it's not as abundant as one might hope.

Even though Poppy's has a traditional taste and pleasing filling, the drawback is the abundance of dough, leaving the overall balance somewhat skewed. For those who prioritize a bountiful filling in their pierogies, this option might fall short of expectations. Nevertheless, Poppy's pierogies succeed in delivering a familiar and comforting taste, which, with some adjustments, could potentially become a noteworthy contender in the frozen pierogi market.

3. Mrs. T's classic cheddar pierogies

Mrs. T's Pierogies, a brand renowned in the world of frozen food, has solidified its reputation with its classic cheddar pierogies. Breaking into the top three, these pierogies are a testament to what a well-established brand can bring to the table.

One of the most remarkable qualities of Mrs. T's pierogies is the perfect balance they strike between the dough and the filling. This balance ensures a harmonious textural experience with neither element overpowering the other. The filling inside also stands out for its well-calibrated seasoning. It's not overly salted, allowing the authentic flavors of both the potato and the cheese to shine through. The result is a satisfying blend of creaminess and cheesiness that aligns with the classic cheddar pierogi profile. What truly sets Mrs. T's classic cheddar pierogies apart is the robust presence of cheese. Unlike many other options, Mrs. T's doesn't shy away from making cheese a star of the show. This delightful emphasis on the cheese element adds a rich, savory depth that sets these pierogies apart from their peers.

Overall, Mrs. T's presents a top-tier frozen pierogi option, and it's worth noting that the brand has a variety of other flavors. It may have landed in third place, but it certainly delivers a delicious and dependable pierogi experience that deserves a place in your freezer.

2. Wegmans yellow cheddar pierogies

In a delightful surprise, Wegmans yellow cheddar pierogies secured the second-place spot in our ranking, proving that excellence can often be found in unexpected places. These pierogies embody the essence of homemade, setting them apart from the competition.

The dough is the top feature of these pierogies. Rather than the typical soft consistency, these dumplings are more akin to a pastry puff in texture and taste. This unexpected twist adds a layer of sophistication to the overall culinary experience, elevating these pierogies above the rest. The filling in Wegmans' pierogies is not only bountiful but also heavily dominated by potato goodness. It's clear that the focus here is on creating a wholesome and satisfying filling, and in this respect, these pierogies succeed admirably. The creamy potato mash offers a comforting and authentic taste reminiscent of homemade pierogies. While the potato component shines, some may find the cheddar flavor slightly underrepresented. A touch more cheese intensity could elevate these pierogies to even greater heights.

For those who want as close to homemade as possible, Wegmans delivers. With a pastry-like dough and generous potato-heavy filling, the pierogies come astonishingly close to the taste of a beloved babcia's recipe. We'd love some more cheese flavor, but overall, these were the closest to grandma's version that we found! They have an array of flavors, too -– we definitely suggest seeking these out.

1. Golden potato and cheddar pierogies

Claiming the coveted first place on our list is Golden potato and cheddar pierogies, which prove excellence can be found even among the convenience of frozen options. These pierogies impressed us on several fronts, making them a standout choice in the world of store-bought pierogies.

We first noticed their impeccable dough-to-filling ratio. This balance ensures that every bite is a harmonious blend of the outer dough casing and the delectable filling within, providing an ideal textural experience. The filling inside Golden's pierogies is nothing short of scrumptious. Abundant and rich, it tantalizes the taste buds with a perfect balance of potato and cheddar flavors. But the real winner here is the inclusion of a subtle onion element that brings a delightful salty balance to the overall profile. This savory combination elevates the taste to a whole new level and was unlike any other option we tried.

The skillful harmony of potato, cheese, and onion flavors in Golden pierogies is what pushed this brand to the top of our ranking. It's a symphony of tastes that strikes a chord with anyone seeking an authentic pierogi experience. We'd definitely eat these again, and we think our babcia would give us her approval.