Upgrade Your Typical Cheesy Nachos With A Fried Egg

Nachos are a delicious snack (or meal) that are suitable for a number of different occasions. You can enjoy them at the movie theater, as an appetizer for a tasty Mexican-inspired meal, or even as breakfast weekday chilaquiles. Now, if you've ever had chilaquiles, you know that, many times, they come with eggs on top.

But you don't have to limit yourself to adding eggs only when you're eating nachos for breakfast. You can also step up your cheesy everyday snack by cracking a fried egg over them at any time of day. What you'll wind up with is a next-level plate of nachos that is packed with flavor and fills you up.

Ready to dive into making your nachos in this new style? Don't forget to have fun playing around with the toppings. This meal pairs well with a number of different kinds of meats and veggies, so you can find a flavor combination you love.

What to add to cheesy fried egg nachos

The first thing to think about when making cheesy fried egg nachos is your protein (besides the egg). You can go for simple ground beef flavored with taco seasoning mix, for example, or you can use chicken instead. Other toppings to try include al pastor meat, chorizo, or even making vegan nachos with options such as tofu.

Once you've got that figured out, you next want to consider what veggies you'll place atop your nachos. The sky's the limit here, and you can add staples such as tomatoes, onions, and avocado or try tossing on unique foods such as roasted veggies or spicy jalapeños. You could also technically skip the veggies if you feel like keeping things simple.

And don't forget the cheese! You can use gooey nacho cheese sauce or go for things like cheddar or Monterey Jack. For a more neutral flavor, you could try mozzarella. Whichever you pick, once you've chosen your cheese, meat, and toppings, all that's left to do is fry up an egg and place it on top of the whole thing. Cook your yolk hard, or leave it runny and let it spread over your nachos for what's almost like an extra sauce.

Other ways to upgrade your nachos

Adding a fried egg isn't the only way to make your nacho game even stronger. There are a few other tricks to take things to a whole new level. One way to do so is to add some fruit to your nachos. This could look like topping your tortilla chips with some mango pico de gallo or even piling on a dollop of cranberry sauce, for example.

If you're not into sweet and sour flavor combos, another way to mix up your ordinary nachos is to get creative with the chips. Rather than using regular tortilla chips, swap them out for quartered frozen waffles and pair them with bacon and eggs for a breakfast-themed twist. Or, go for waffle-cut fries as your nacho base. You can also try subbing in plantain chips. So, whether you decide to trade your tortilla chips for a different base, add a bit of fruit, or top your nachos with a fried egg, there are plenty of ways you can make them even more impressive.