Effortlessly Make French Toast By Popping It In The Slow Cooker

Your oven has been there since day one. Together, you've made it through holiday dinners, weekend frozen pizzas, and countless meals in between. However, when it comes to kitchen appliances, the slow cooker has all the power of an oven, is way more versatile, and is easier to use. While it's tucked away until the winter months, or sitting on the shelf collecting dust for years, you could be utilizing it for its maximum capabilities. Not only is it great to use for meals like stews and pot roasts, it's also perfect for the sweetest meals you can imagine.

One of the best meals you can make that will satisfy you and keep you going throughout the day is french toast. And when it comes to making french toast in the slow cooker, you'll be amazed at how easy it is to pull off, as well as how delicious it is.

Using your slow cooker for french toast

One of the most important things you need when making your french toast in the slow cooker is a good, sturdy bread that won't turn to mush when you pour your egg mixture on it. Some of the best breads to use are sourdough, brioche, and challah. Another thing to keep in mind is that you'll be making your french toast dish more like a casserole, which means you'll be able to pile it high on your plate and fill up for multiple meals. So, you'll want to slice your bread into little 1-inch cubes that you can throw into a bowl and pour your egg mixture over.

Once you've added all your ingredients, you can relax or keep busy with something else for the next four hours. Now, here comes the best part. You can go wild with your ingredients. When your french toast is finished, you can use fruit, jam, mixed nuts, cream cheese, or Greek yogurt as toppings to really add more variety and richness to your meal.

Make other scrumptious sweets in your slow cooker

Are you missing that oven yet? Hopefully not, because this is just the start! You'll be pleased to find out that there's even more sweets you can make in your slow cooker. As things heat up in the kitchen, maybe it's time to try some lava cake. You'll thoroughly enjoy some melted chocolate and spongy cake that takes almost as long as your french toast to cook. Another chocolatey contender isĀ giant slow cooker cookies that will come out gooey and delicious.

Similar to the lava cake, you can also make brownies, which is another unexpected slow cooker food that will be packed with rich chocolate. Want something with more fruit? You can make a delicious peach cobbler in your slow cooker too. You also have the option of adding all those fun toppings to your cobbler like you did with your french toast.