Brighten Up Those Boring Scrambled Eggs With A Spritz Of Lemon Juice

Scrambled eggs are a fast and nutritious breakfast dish to whip up, whether it's on a weekday morning or over a leisurely long weekend. This simple breakfast food contains nutrients such as vitamins A and B12, which are important parts of a healthy diet.

While you can crack a few eggs into a frying pan, whisk them up, and call it a day, there are plenty of ways that you can elevate this classic breakfast meal. One easy way to do so is to add a little bit of lemon to your scrambled eggs. Doing so can actually help your eggs become fluffier and have a softer texture, making them even more delicious and hearty.

Of course, if you want to implement this hack next time you make breakfast, there's a little more to be aware of before starting — understanding the science behind how this works can make implementing this trick a breeze.

The science behind adding lemon juice to your scrambled eggs

Here's why adding lemon juice to your scrambled eggs can make them fluffier and tastier. One of the reasons why this trick works is that lemon juice is acidic. Adding acids to the dish changes the protein structure of the eggs, making them stiffer. The result is that they can hold air bubbles, which ultimately leads to a perfectly puffy result.

Another reason why adding this ingredient is such a great trick has to do with the fact that lemon juice contains water. The water then slows down how quickly the eggs cook while also creating steam —and that too leads to that extra-soft texture you're craving.

Depending on the recipe you use, you can add anywhere from just a squeeze of juice from a fresh lemon to a tablespoon or more of the liquid to elevate your recipe. It's best to play around with the ingredients to find the perfect texture and flavor for your liking.

Other ways to elevate your scrambled eggs

Adding lemon juice isn't the only way to step up your breakfast game; there are several other scrambled eggs hacks that you can try as well. One example is to add a spoonful of mayo to your eggs. The result will be an enhanced, creamy texture.

If you'd rather skip the mayo and try a different strategy, you can also add baking powder to the dish. Baking powder can lead to fluffier eggs, although it can also potentially leave a chemical taste to the meal, so it's best to use just a small amount and proceed with caution.

For a more surefire addition to your morning meal, you can throw in a little bit of water, too. As mentioned above, water can produce fluffier eggs since it creates steam as the eggs cook. Whichever hack you decide to go with, know that with just a few simple steps, you can get game-changing scrambled eggs with the perfect texture that will make your morning.