The Binder Clip Hack For Easily Increasing Your Freezer Space

Do you struggle with freezer storage and get tired of wrestling with bags of food that just won't stay closed, no matter how well you seal them? The solution to this issue might already be in your home office. Binder clips — usually reserved for keeping stacks of paper together — can be quite useful in the kitchen. They can not only secure bags fully, preventing freezer burn on vegetables and meats, but also create extra space in the freezer by keeping bags suspended.

To use this hack, simply fold the top of a bag of frozen food tightly to prevent air from escaping. Then position the binder clip over the storage rack so that the wire sits in the middle of the clip. Squeeze the clip open and slide the folded section of the bag into it, allowing the bag to hang directly under the wire. Now you can rest easy, knowing the bag will remain tightly sealed while also creating more room in the freezer for other items.

Downsides to the binder clip method

While the binder clip freezer trick is undoubtably effective, it's not universally suitable for all frozen foods and freezer types. Binder clips are mainly compatible with bags of frozen foods, such as vegetables, fruit, french fries, chicken tenders, fish sticks, pierogies, and other bagged items. Foods that come in boxes or items that are individually wrapped aren't a good fit for this storage method, as clips can't fully secure the packaging while also elevating it to save space in the freezer.

Additionally, not all freezers are compatible with this storage tactic. Some appliances have shelves rather than wire racks, meaning there's no place to attach the clips when hanging food bags. Even if your freezer does have wire racks, you may find it challenging to store other items above the hanging bags since the clips will be oriented upwards. In such cases, you might want to consider using an alternative freezer storage method.

Other space-saving freezer hacks

If you don't have binder clips at home, or if your freezer lacks the wire storage racks found in some models, there are other storage hacks you can employ. For foods that come in cardboard boxes but also include plastic bags, consider removing the boxes and simply storing the bags in your freezer. This method can easily be combined with the binder clip trick to ensure that the bags remain securely closed. Additionally, you might think about transferring items to freezer bags and flattening them to create more space in the appliance.

To prevent overfilling your freezer, make a list of what's already stored before you go shopping to help ensure that you don't buy duplicates. Also, make a point of periodically clearing out items that have been in your freezer for an extended period. While these foods are likely still safe to eat, their taste may have diminished if they've been stored for many weeks or months.