How To Do Homemade Pumpkin Spice Ice Cream The Right Way

While it's easy to run to the store and purchase just about any pumpkin spice-flavored food item, there's something to be said for making your own pumpkin spice treats at home. One treat that's especially popular as the season transitions from summer to fall is pumpkin spice ice cream: a refreshing, creamy treat for when the sun's still hot but the autumnal celebrations have already begun. Making your own pumpkin spice ice cream at home is as simple as making any other flavor of ice cream, though when it comes to adding those signature fall spices, there are a few important tips for really making that flavor shine.

The most important thing to remember is to always use 100% pumpkin puree in your ice cream recipe — not pumpkin pie filling. Pumpkin pie filling differs in a number of ways, namely texture and flavor. The filling comes pre-flavored with sugar and spices, and due to these extra ingredients, it tends to be a touch thicker than puree. Using pre-seasoned pumpkin means you don't have as much control over flavor, sweetness level, and other important variables when making your ice cream.

How to make pumpkin spice ice cream

Pumpkin spice ice cream is simple to make at home, especially if you go with a no-churn method. It starts with a flavoring base of pumpkin puree with a mix of pumpkin pie spices such as allspice, nutmeg, ginger, and cinnamon. These spices sometimes come pre-mixed as a spice blend, but we like making our own pumpkin pie spice by adding each individually for more control over personal flavor preferences.

Next, mix in sweetened condensed milk and a touch of vanilla. Another tip: Don't use evaporated milk in place of the condensed milk! Evaporated milk is unsweetened, and for this frosty treat, you want the sugary sweetness that condensed milk provides.

Separately, whip the heavy cream until stiff peaks have formed; then, combine everything together, and you have a sweet, spiced ice cream base that can be poured into a container and frozen. Freeze for six hours or more, then dole it out with an ice cream scoop and enjoy — no churning necessary!

How to level up your pumpkin spice ice cream

With a strong pumpkin spice base to work with, you can mix plenty of other ingredients into your ice cream for added autumnal flavor. Try chopped nuts, such as pecans or walnuts, for extra crunch and nuttiness. Cinnamon sugar pecans pair especially well with the flavors of pumpkin spice. After blending, you can mix the chopped nuts directly into the ice cream mix or arrange them on top of the ice cream in the freezing container.

Another way to get maximum pumpkin flavor out of your ice cream is to blend in pieces of other fall favorite desserts, such as cubes of pumpkin bread, crumbles of gingersnaps, or even hunks of baked pie crust to double down on that pumpkin pie goodness. A simple swirl of maple syrup or brown sugar can also take that ice cream to the next level; just be sure to taste for sweetness so your dessert doesn't become too cloying!