How Many Times Can You Reheat Leftover Frozen Pizza?

While some people swear by cold pizza and wouldn't have it any other way, others insist on heating up their leftovers before chowing down. If you fall into the latter camp, you may wonder just how many times you can reheat leftover frozen pizza before the meal loses its zing. Sadly, the answer appears to be just one time.

While reheating pizza is the only way to restore the melty cheese and crispy crust to its former glory, the process also draws moisture out of the food. And every time you reheat the leftovers, you'll deplete them of even more moisture. That can lead to a dried-out, tasteless pie, which is enough to make a pizza enthusiast cry genuine tears of anguish. Then there's the issue of food safety, as food must achieve a certain temperature to prevent bacterial growth. This includes previously cooked foods, including leftover frozen pizza, which must be handled with care to ensure that it's as safe as it is tasty.

Is it safe to eat reheated frozen pizza?

It's perfectly safe to eat reheated pizza, provided it's hot enough. According to the USDA, all leftovers must reach an internal temperature of at least 165 degrees Fahrenheit. The only real way to determine the temperature of food is by using a meat thermometer, which can be inserted into the slice to determine its exact temperature.

Safety can also be assured by storing your leftover frozen pizza properly. In this case, it should be wrapped up well and transferred to the refrigerator as soon as possible after cooking, as leaving it at room temperature for too long gives bacteria the time to set up shop on your slice. Once in the fridge, the pizza will remain safe to eat for about four days, after which the quality and safety will begin to degrade. This is the perfect reason to throw an impromptu pizza party for you and your closest friends, which means you should also be privy to the best reheating methods.

Best practices for delicious leftover pizza

There are a few methods you can use to reheat your pizza. The oven is a tried-and-true method known for excellent results, and it's relatively easy. Start by setting the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit and giving it a few minutes to heat up. You can either heat the slices on a baking sheet or a piece of aluminum foil, whichever you prefer. It should take about ten minutes for the crust to heat through and the cheese to melt, but you can let it go a little longer if you're a fan of extra-crispy pizza.

There's another method that's a little more labor intensive, but lots of pizza lovers swear by it. In this case, you'll want to break out your trusty cast iron skillet and place it on your stovetop. Set the burner to medium-high and wait for the skillet to smoke, at which point you're safe to add the slice of pizza. Cover the pan with a lid and cook for about two minutes. At this point, you can check to see if the cheese is melted to your liking. If not, cook for another minute and it should be perfect.